The Kang cypress is the name of Israel army's matter and arms committee, arrive at an inside the private is full to cheer troops, he just on arriving, be subjected to inside private the full city guarded will the ovation of promise virtuous general, connect still keep being making track for southern mainland soldier commanding officer grillage general of Jiao remnants remaining black Sen soldier, also especially
Two generals lead a flock of mainland non-commissioned officer that are formal to pack soldier in person, at in in addition to full city, the private clips a brigade to welcome a cheering troops of mainland meeting representative.
"Brave soldier!Match many guarders of countries!Is you, defeated haughty air British;Is you, defeated the black Sen soldier of bloodthirsty craftiness;Is you, gave to match many countries to take a peaceful hope!I represent mainland meeting and match many people people and appreciate you, you are well-deserved of warrior ……"
The Kang cypress announced cheering troops of a lengthiness speech, these soldiers were anyway idle, listenned to a somebody Ma Pi to their row, also felt very comfortable, arrived to also have no hiss Kang cypress.And those insides privates full private Shens who come to welcome, but is listen to shake head to sway a brain, feel that mainland meeting really values Fu Ji the Ni is second, sent the tallest militaries to be responsible for coming, the lecture also had level, whole is to secondly cry up to the Fu Ji Ni, very comfortable in the heart.
On that evening, Fu Ji Ni second state government, especially
"This is really an outstanding battle, grillage general!Although already victory, quite a few month, I feel to still be like to just hear that victory news now, a little bit dare not believe such a let the affair of people's excitement really take place."At the party, Kang cypress' light tone of and he flank of grillage general confabulation, pull good and the relation of this southern mainland soldier commander in chief.
"You Lee!In fact protect a war to compare with Philadelphia that you direct, this inside private the meaning of the full combat, also differed a lot!"The grillage general is modest
2 people aggrandize each other some kind of, said in a short while words, acquainted with a lot.One has heart to draw together, a have good will very much, start to talk about that the words come from however is getting more easy.Just Kang cypress mentions political aspect each time, this general very in proper form's meaning that oneself is a pure soldier, would not like to participate in politics, tactful
The Kang cypress below hasn't come yet and export
The Kang cypress comes to south this time.Is original and then beat to draw together these southern personage's ideas.So take this party, and a lot of Fu Ji Ni second celebrity, big
The party ends behind
Originally he saw fit to take advantage of an opportunity to absorb some Fu Jis Ni representative's person of the second financial group, got into own financial group benefits faction, but finally discovered these south
These people misunderstand a Kang cypress to draw together them and connect down a possible nation after signing for the sake of the peaceful treaty allied or the federal leader political election, Be in advance carry on soliciting votes.This is passionate, really use wrong direction.
They declare so.Make the Kang cypress in distress situation naturally.
Oneself isn't to want to get a ticket for himself or herself, but for the sake of oneself possible set the party groupings for setting up in the future pull a person.
The victory form of war a clear,beats by dre pro, the Kang cypress has already quickly decided the set sets up a political party, so this time tour south after.May
Think at him come, these plant although the plantation lord isn't a direct industry and business financial group leader, at least they
Although the Kang cypress ignores a solution very much,these people refuse, is also the affair that can't demand.
Take one belly regret, the Kang cypress took one cup wine there from the attendant.
"You Lee!"The back suddenly rings out a strong voice.
The Kang cypress just became overdo, see an inside a private fullly guard this Ni is the Di especially?Promise the virtuous general is smiling to come over here, returning Wan on the hand an outstanding looks beautiful woman.
" Promise virtuous general, really appreciate dancing party that you hold!"The Kang cypress owed to owe a body.
"You Lee!How is today's cocktail party?The private of inside is full after war started, already for a long time have no again appear a so noisy condition.I early want to open a large-scale dancing party, regrettable that text officer who helps a parliament always isn't willing to allocate funds, this but give you to the blessing for cheering troops, just make us have an opportunity to greatly enjoy!" The promise is virtuous to roar with laughter of say.
Is an inside private the full city defend commander, at second be Si to halt to stay Philadelphia for period, is taken care of the full safe business of my private generally by him, this of welcome party, be from he suggests Fu Ji Ni the second general assembly hold.
"Ha ha!Cheer troops, certainly should good good Related articles: