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In addition to anger or rage outside !relationresultAremonsters to kill when the practice of bot .relationresultHuge deathclock to !relationresultHammerMicrotek stone animal moment ,ray Liesi timely release of a strong shock wave .
Artifact attack will monsters across a parabolic flew out, this time it hurt :spar fur although can withstand most physical attacks ,but the death clock shock waves ,but can be directly to the enemy visceral cause certain damage .
Plus one eye blindness .relationresultSparbeast finally retreated !It shook in the distant feet mouth oozed a trail of blood .Then the long jump from afar ,disappeared after several ups and downs !relationresultSeeing this,BOT completely relieved ,uncontrollable sitting on the ground .
His Bahai ,horse drawn these be a survivor of a disaster soldiers rapid rushed to his side ;the use of medical reel using medical reels ,check the condition of check the condition .relationresultBOTback in his Bahai ,let the brothers around operation !relationresultAt that time,the sky suddenly let out a sharp ,as Kam silk tearing sound .
Then all the orcs in the soldier acoustic Fu Wenshi sounded a commanding voice : my men ,I am your emperor: renault .Munro. , relationresultJustchaos has identified some attempts to destroy the peace talks by men .
With the security forces .I command you to immediately stop and allied departments into combat ,recent buildings !Chief master sergeant of adults and title have been ripped enveloped in the city ward .
After a moment outside the town counter-insurgency troops would be ! , relationresultThe emperorordered that the city come unexpectedly the beast people trapped in the excitement ,National Guard troops were in a similar order .
A time of chaos soldiers quickly retreat into the nearby buildings, local defense .But still have a lot of abyss creature in four masters ,can effectively protect their various * * people are in the minority .
relationresultFortunatelyoutside powerful orc forces soon began to town !The first is a surge of wolf ,this early in the age of tribe is famous mainland characteristic arms ,in Empire such a strong reserve force support after .
Thorough make only superficial changes : all the wolf either dire wolf ,wolf riders or above .Put on the full armor .Far looks like a house with cast iron wolf rider sculpture !relationresult.
relationresultThe ninety-four chapter strength , relationresultEachwolf in the waist back ,near the rear end of the sides of the body .All with two rows of six in total, trigonous short spear .
Wolf knight is apart from a black armor ,also on the back of long crossbow ,arrows .Holding a large exaggerated sabre .The neck is still uniform wear a scarlet scarf .The wolf if rapid run, scarf is behind a bloodstain ,say not clear and powerful .
relationresultDonlook down upon the equipment ;these dire wolf body armor are Empire to spend big price making ,has the advantages of reasonable structure ,further than general armor light on many !This is to care for the wolf that far less and horse endurance .
relationresultHowever,deliberately create ungual armour and helmet extends out a sharp lip ,have greatly increased the dire wolf at the explosive force and the strong force .relationresultWolfknight to the overlying nail this major military reform ,resulted in two changes: one is the wolf riders ,deep cuts .
After all :not every wolf in the burden of the armor of the extra weight ,can keep the original strength .But can achieve this standard is the leader in the dire wolf .Therefore ,wolf in less than half the number of completed the overlying nail .
These put on armor and cavalry into the wolf wolf independent cavalry !While the rest are mixed into the other conventional forces !relationresultTwo,the armor of the wolf riders ,completely changed the wolf tactical position ,one light cavalry leapt into battle beyond the human presence of heavy cavalry .
As between the monster army and conventional forces between power system .relationresultIt is said that thecoalition has agreed to peace talks ,and the original is that through mountains two wolf riders ,behind the supernormal performance are closely related ,dr dre beats!relationresultRiding Wolfis after the orcs powerful monster army .
relationresultMonsterforce the arm ,orks in tribal times first created .It was built entirely on a controlled animal trainer this occupation .When some of the tribes in the orc internal war victory, many solicit controlled animal trainer ,and allow them to control the same category monster army .
To create a more powerful group than the heavy cavalry units .relationresultThis innovationwas later states to follow ,it was then controlled the beast became quite popular on the continent occupation !relationresultBut no matterhow learning in other countries ,the formation of the monster force strength to contend with the orcs ,reason is of course there are two points: first ,the occupation is controlled the beast in Orc origin ,no matter later spread more widely .
The orcs still has the best control animal trainer training system .relationresultTwo,although the mainland each country almost have the rich monster mountains or forests .But its production of monsters in quantity ,or in terms of quality and can be tamed .
None of the orc territories ,that has a restricted area of life called : the endless wilderness !It is called the prohibited area of life because of wasteland in monster rampage ,want to walk alone in the past is almost impossible !relationresultFromthe wilderness and domesticated animal control monsters composition forces .
Of course not general human countries formed monster forces can be likened to !relationresultThismonster forces into the kansas .Roman Empire is a great reputation Monster :forces of nearly 10000 thunder rhino composition to thunder run legion !This force is known as from its establishment to today from defeat ,beats dr dre.
In Elun fort in the battle is it .The Imperial troops charge array array song .Robbie defeated the tens of thousands of union to heavy cavalry .Ending would have lasted for a long time to field operations .
For the troops to fight later siege took time .Save the troops .relationresultSo thatcan quickly take the amount of lueneburg this strong defense preparations for military fortress .Thunder run the Legion is undeniable !relationresultThunderrhino is living in the wilderness .
An omnivorous giant monsters .Are social creatures .This was about five metres high .A few metres in width .On all fours behemoth .In the land of exaggeration triangle head top position .
There is a piece of white .This bone to protrusion and its all purple thick heavy skin .They are close relatives of the earth :and giant rhinoceros difference .This distinction also caused a huge difference force Shangdi : Thunder rhino born from the head to the protrusion can be .
A lightning strike the enemy .relationresultCoupled with thebody covered with heavy armor after .The terror of weight and best run up to impact force .Let the thunder run Legion group charge at the battle of press forward with indomitable will .
Nearly all of the ground forces in the strength of heavy .relationresultWorth mentioningis :heavy thunder rhino .The arms in the early age of tribe .Appeared in the Orc tribes .But there was no tribal strength .
For nearly 10 thousand amount mines rhino and provide enough control animal trainer groups .If there is !I don one world unity orcs were used .relationresultSo thethunder run Legion is in empire was founded after the formation of the !But a year battle combat its violent ,let it successfully in the continent excellent heavy forces .
relationresultIn addition towolf and thunder run legion ,Kansas sky also came a scream .The shrill cry from the vast wilderness Air King monster groups ,wyvern .relationresultFly inKansas over of course not wild wyverns ,but orcs Empire ,cheap dr dre beats,the young Air Force :Dragon Knight regiment .
relationresultDragonKnight this occupation in Orc society has a very special status ,this status from a capable of evoking praises and tears : the story of .The beginning of the story can Related articles:

