
cheap beats by dre erwards Li Jian rec

Match strength to greatly give discount, if making use of is well-learned, believe also need not launch unreal energy with all strength, the linger effect eliminates Mi naturally.Thought of here, Li Jian grasps the moxa Er a kind of insect ground hands and gets rid of her discomfort.
The Mo Jia hands over to need to be completed and sees moxa Er a kind of insect and Li Jian's vision handing over to answer.Tender feelings honey idea, if the side is unmanned, aware of self foolish is also a surplus here.Shrug way:"Like, I shoulded say all to say, didn't disturb you.I went to my business of favour."
The Mo Jia went out and piped down inside the room, , Li Jian Dao:"Moxa Er a kind of insect, I not is have intention to deceive yours."Li Jian says of the nature is the affair of unreal energy.
The moxa Er a kind of insect stares at Li Jian's a long time.Way:"I am confessedly.You are to don't hope that we worry, be just, Li Jian.We are husband and wife to?"
", Rightness!"Not the Li Jian Mang Die nods.
The moxa Er a kind of insect continues way:"Is your wife, regardless what, I hope to undertake with you together."Say, the moxa Er a kind of insect nestles Li Jian Shen's side.
Li Jian knows moxa Er a kind of insect not strange oneself, then trust down, way:"I knew."Block the waist limb of a kind of insect of moxa Er.
2 people are quiet to is quiet to hug to each other, very long, Li Jian discovers moxa Er a kind of insect has already got into dreamland and lowers the head to see go, moxa Er a kind of insect at this time could not say ground quiet peaceful, Li Jian didn't sleep an idea and just embraced moxa Er a kind of insect, recall and the moxa Er coming and going of a kind of insect, meet beginning from the first time ……
Afterwards, Li Jian recalls of the contents enrich, not only is the moxa Er a kind of insect ground affair, there is also beautiful Luo, Ling star and Qin snow, everything of everything turn on electricity to copy similar at at present 11 flash acrosseses.However, Li Jian's recollection didn't keep on too long, feel the action in the bosom, Li Jian returns to absolute being, discovering moxa Er a kind of insect has already just waked up to looking at himself/herself.
Slept in a short while, moxa Er a kind of insect of exhausted have been already disappeared, aglow with health, more and more the beauty is moving.Li Jian forbids not to live to lower the head to kiss moxa Er a kind of insect, the hands dishonestly grope for on the moxa Er a kind of insect body and explore into the moxa Er a kind of insect clothes ground blind side, once fondle she is cleanly soft and tender skin.
The "H'm …… H'm ……" moxa Er a kind of insect pauses for breath and pushed away Li Jian, the all over the face is dizzy and red, lightly bite Zhu Chun, way:"Do not go, you haven't resumed ……"
Li Jian has to give up and embarrassedly smiled to smile.
The moxa Er a kind of insect recovers to breathe for a while and instructs a way:"You like a rest, I still occupy and do and come back after a while to see you."Say, kissed an one mouthful in Li Jian's cheeks, will leave, just walked several step, discovering their oneselfs the dress Shan is in great disorder, turned head to stare Li Jian Yi's eye, tidy up some kind of, this just go out.
The moxa Er a kind of insect leaves, empty inside the room, Li Jian Yi on every occasion Leng a long time, one Yang hand, one regiment the unclear flame jump about in the center of palm.Li Jian lowers the head to scrutinize, the flame of this regiment oddity woulded be unreal energy inside his/her own body, but at this time, it isn't a purely unreal energy, it still includes many impurities, want to truely control to make use of it have to through lift purely, then the only pure attribute energy can develop the biggest power.
Li Jian right away wants to try, result, he feel a burst of to faint, that regiment flame also followed to disappear on the hand.Li Jian a little bit deliberates, this just understands to come over, very big to the depletion of unreal energy mentality, is more opposite than other energies of controls, the mentality costing is several a hundredfolds, also no wonder that oneself will be so tired and understand this, Li Jian in quiet lies down and closes the eyes for a rest.
The Hua ground is a , the hatch greatly opens, and the treasure blue and small step runs to come in and after death follows sea Mu to reach Lu.Li Jian just opened eyes, the treasure was blue and then gathered together nearby, and he asked a way:"Li Jian, what's the matter with you?"
Feelings treasure is blue is come to visit the sick come, Li Jian smiled to smile, way:"I am all right,cheap beats by dre."
"Really?"The treasure is blue to not too believe of appearance.
"Do you see me ain't thoroughly now!"
The treasure is blue and slanting the head wanted to think, way:"You lie down, I see for you."
"E ……need not!"The treasure is blue will see a doctor, the first time Li Jian heard, true nothing important confidence.
"Do not go, Li Jian, you lie down, I give you the check, and the sea Mu reaches Lu to come to help quickly!"The treasure is blue to say and then press Li Jian toward bed, return to make Mu in Shanghai reach Lu.
"Hi burst!"The sea Mu reached Lu to listen to words of blue treasure, the body rose into the big ball of a diameter two meters and pressed on playing on Li Jian, died Li Jian to suppress and let Li Jian moved not to get.
Made Teng for a while, Li Jian's pertinacity however the treasure is blue, have to agree.
The treasure is blue to let the sea Mu reach Lu to change to return to original kind, sit on the bedside, press down a forehead facial expression very earnest.Li Jian allows a treasure blue order about, lightly close eyes, feel the treasure spread to put slight mentality in the blue hand, there is also small electric current, make the body a burst of and numb and weak, also have some comfortable.Li Jian knows the treasure was blue to just fish for his/her own body with this way, also trusted.Originally the treasure is really blue to still have this skill.
Under this comfortable felling, Li Jian is more and more weary, sleep an idea dim moonlight.But even now, the electric current on the treasure blue hand suddenly enlarge, is changed by the original hair hair light drizzle to do torrential heavy rain.Finally absolutely be splash water, Li Jian Zhi feels his/her own body be like put on the sieve, continuously shiver, in the moment whole worlds all follow to tremble.The thunder and lightning energy of treasure blue violent in action, Li Jian was regarded as to again accept.Don't dare to give the treasure blue treatment any further next time.
Li Jian wraps up in numerous dazzling lightnings all over.The treasure is blue to know that oneself made trouble again and quickly accepted a hand.The treasure is blue on accepting a hand, Li Jian Shen's thunder and lightning disappeared.Is just the flash across an electricity with thick thumb snake often, clothes also burned black one, Li Jian exhales an one breath, the result vomits a thunder and lightning and beat just across the street wall up, result over there the wall of special crystal metal alloy up, tee off a palm the earth deep pit.
"Hi burst!Hi burst!Burst ……"sea Mu's reaching Lu is empty to float to suddenly and suddenly yell in the half, like laughing.
The treasure is blue but is toward Li Jian stunned, Nao Nao head, or so look about for a while, do to smile a , carefully ask a way:"That ……Li Jian ……you, how are you?"
Li Jian slowly lifts up head, an electricity snake at the right moment once fled from his face and submerged a hair and twisted a head to took a look a treasure blue.The treasure is a bit blue guilty, but more is a misgiving, peep out anxious air, just thinking seek Mo Jia to see for Li Jian, Li Jian opened mouth.
"The treasure is blue, you again the electricity give or get an electric shock me."Li Jian says so.
"Li Jian, you ……have no problem?"The treasure is blue to open widely mouth, the full face is puzzling, have some be worried that the ground touches toward Li Jian Di's forehead.
"I am really free, you again the electricity give or get an electric shock me."Li Jian again way.
"."The treasure is blue although isn't understand, or shine on to do, carefully start to pull Li Jian's hand, a thunder and lightning ties up Li Jian Di's arm, the lightning spreads all over the body.
Treasure blue energy very violent in action, at this time, but Li Jian was feel like don't feel, allow the electric current is on the body once flee in a short while, again to treasure blue way:"Is again a little bit stronger, H'm, be like just so!"
"H'm."The treasure is blue to nod, strengthen strength, numerous thunder and lightnings for a while Li Jian the whole body is whole to wrap
Bind, the treasure is blue to still keep a little bit worrying, ask a way:"Li Jian ……"
"I am getting more understand!"Li Jian suddenly calls way, the treasure is blue to be got a fright, comes to a stop.The Li Jian full face rejoices, originally and just drive the treasure is blue after once giving or getting an electric shock, he discovers that he resumed a lot and had guess at that time and made the treasure blue and try, indeed as expected such as he think, the treasure blue energy can offset unreal energy bodily influence to him.Having can resume a bodily method, Li Jian cans not help exultation and wished to probably find out to deal with method in the linger effect place, battle hereafter need not have too many fears.
"Li Jian!"Mo Jia ground the voice ring out in the room, from project the next stereoscopic image above, way:"The last set has already completed a task to return to the fold, however, absolute being clan fleet is since then making track for shot, do you see how to do?"
Li Jian wanted to think, way:"We withdraw first and go smash into with them now unmeaningful."Li Jian says so that firstly because, don't know the other party accurate real strenght now, at 2:00 is even if can win to also want to spend many time, if Ling Yi Deng person heel come of the words bothered.
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