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"Pretty much the honor can get professor your invitation."Courtesy ground response way of Yang Shao Qing.

Yang Shao Qing of section 19 is pleased to get a guide person the Bo thunder benefit Li number republican history

The demonstration of the Hong absorbs type automatic rain gauge not only to Fei Di south two a life times wait artificial became tremendous vibration.Let more the scientists of Florence the first time realized in the east is also existence science.The cancellation of prejudice, makes China make the regiment finally can exceed to open to communicate with European scientist of square one.Hence is visiting the second day of be over, Yang Shao Qing gladly went to an appointment to arrive at the Bo thunder benefit professor's official residence.Although this proud professor once was disdained to to China of academic, can not deny that he really is an excellent scientist.Together at this time generation numerous European scholars are similar, he has more thorough research to all the categories,cheap beats by dre, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and living creature...etc..The heap is full in his den each kind of book, put full various of experiment a device, that power the slightest unlike Yang Shao Qing's laboratory in Nanking is inferior to.Some experiment devices even connecting the private laboratory of south two a life times of Fei Di inside has never had as well.For example at present Yang Shao Qing is moving back and forth of the device of the strange form strange form is a Bo thunder benefit to teach the most satisfied one to collect an article.But see him gathering together to come forward toward the openings way of Yang Shao Qing:"Yang Fu makes, this instrument is very unusual."
", This set microscope was too absolutely a stick.I also have the microscope that a set self-makes in the laboratory of China.But compare with to teach this set of yours to come to the game that can be regarded as an amateur to make.Early listen to missionary's once speaking of have already had a very professional microscope in Europe.At present a see a fruit not it however."Yang Shao Qing doesn't want to put it away a ground of Kua great way.
Have never expected the Bo thunder that Yang Shao Qing even knows microscopes benefit professor, this bottom can also not dare small peep this skin of dark oriental.Because in this ages, professional microscope even if is also a kind of very rare thing in Europe.An oriental ability one eye recognize a microscope and also claimed to be to once create a simple microscope.This in professor Bo Lei Li's eyes absolutely can be called miracle.However the Kua of Yang Shao Qing to the microscopes is great to still keep making him very enjoyable.This allows him to find back yesterday was because of seeing automatic sense of superiority lost in rain gauge of Chinese Hong absorb type.But see him sticking out a thumb Kua way:"The Sir really knows goods.This set microscope is overcome something to build by the row text tiger."
"The row text tiger gram?Is the microscope that he makes very famous?"Yang Shao Qing gingerly put back a microscope home position, asking of concern way.
"What is well-known.The first in Europe can be used for an experience professional microscope is made the person of the row text tiger gram invent by this.He is a famous Holland biologist, microscope to learn a house.Mr. Yang, there are many geniuses like this in Europe, this is God to give bestowing of Europe."Professor Bo Lei Li speaks proudly a way.
Yang Shao Qing knows that the European has proud of this capital.In past more than two centuries in Europe flowed out now galileo, Descartes and reach huge Jiang of numerous sciences of strange etc. of aromas.Generation again the scientist of generation continuously flow out to make the west finally outstrip the peak that the east occupied science in the world now.This is to draw on one great reason that he comes Europe.Sun Lou probably can bring parts of science theories of future generations for 17 centuries for China.But those theories finally have imperfection, it is already to break generation.Want to want being really starting to build up in China is complete of natural science system, only is brought by impress of immature person science theory, and minority of scholars build a cart behind closed door of the research is far far not enough.Only the philosophy system of Europe, science system completely ushers in China, can let the tree of science really take root germination on the earth of China, healthy and strong growth.But Yang Shao Qing come to an important task of Europe this time be come to explore European advanced device and talented person.Thought of here, he can not help turning head to ask a way to professor Bo Lei Li again:"Teach you private can own the such forerunner's experiment device.Think necessarily to definitely own more advanced device in the laboratory of archduke his highness."
"Yang Fu makes, don't deceive you to say, this set microscope is a Hollander to send to archducal.The whole Florence can't have a second the set microscope like this."The Bo thunder benefit teaches to satisfiedly say.
", Say so come, this set a microscope still an archduke bestows to the professor's Luo."What Yang Shao Qing envied says.
"Accurately say, should be my Jian the archduke doesn't want of discard."Bo thunder benefit professor suddenly once the topic turn, the air gloomily says.
"Discard?This is one set very advanced instrument."Yang Shao Qing doesn't understand of ask a way.He isn't really understand thus a "treasure thing" be how can considered as "discard".
"The microscope is probably a baby in the our eyes.Can in those priests eyes but not worth a damn.The priests believe firmly God to create a chemisette doctrine with man's rib.They stubbornly persistence thou Rome cover Lun of'three spiritual influences say', be like to insist that giving Lei is airtight'the center of earth say'similar.But you know, the microscope can overthrow the Miu theory of all these.We pass a microscope to observe the muscle, blood vessel of Human body be not.So this instrument a be delivered drive'bang'!"Professor Bo Lei Li made reference to do an action for shooting to death here.Talk a phrase Ji Feng and disaffection Be overflowed to speech form.
"How can and so?Florence is to always praise customs with disregard heaven, glorify reasonableness to replace absolute being Qi?"Yang Shao Qing interrogatively counter-questions a way.Bo thunder benefit the professor's some kind of words make him can not help starting starting to doubt about whether Florence was really the place of origin of Renaissance.
However Yang Shao purely counter-question the incitement that results in for professor Bo Lei Li to seem to be more severely.But see a this temper weird middle age man, suddenly and excitedly the exaltation voice says:"Florence has been no longer free, no longer rational, no longer science.Is current of give the Si card Na grand duchy to be just 1 of Holy Roman Empire from belong to just.Pope's country of that helped the absolute being the sticks to again control here.Pope annihilates science with the theological fallacy and use the ethics of Christianity lets ancient Rome empire of the posterity become docile frail and humble to follow like sheep."
Bo thunder benefit's teaching this words to let Yang Shao Qing is greatly shocked.Because he is clear from teach that moving Chen Ci, listen to him to the animosity of Christianity, to the disaffection of the United States strange household.European many scholars of Renaissance mostly just oppose the theology contents of Christianity, as to it's the ethics teach and has no objection to.And at present of this Bo thunder benefit professor not only anti- theology part, even to ethics part also have a tiny phrase.This at what Yang Shao Qing gets in touch with among the European is extremely seldom seen.
And the eye see the shape with surprised look of Yang Shao Qing and burst professor Bo Lei Li of grievance to also realize that he or she said the thing that should not say at this time.He doesn't know that he how can is a vegetable the noodles of the oriental that don't acquaint with to speak thus some kind of radical speeches.If these words make the Fei Di southern two a life times know of words, own trouble can big.Luckily the room inside only has him now and Chinese two people of ambassador.Hence he hurriedly close, embarrassedly say to Yang Shao Qing:", The pair makes adult, is really sorry.Originally ask you to come is want that communicating is academic.Now but became me one personal hair political grievance.Let's still have a chat a positive."
Certainly Yang Shao Qing basically didn't beat the viewpoint of small report.In his eyes, if Florence is really like Bo thunder benefit what professor says was controled by the church so.That stays in Florence with stay similar in Rome, all isn't likely to find out the thing that oneself wants.The failure that twice finds out, letting Yang Shao Qing feeling oneself still not enough understand is for the science field of Europe.Again so the mistake beats a mistake to keep on bumping, will the Tu consume time and energy.Therefore he needs a guide urgently to lead him into European scientist of***in the middle go.At present this professor Bo Lei Li is a very suitable candidate.Thought of here, Yang Shao Qing gladly lifts up head and look at Bo thunder benefit professor blue of eyes, speak fair a way:"There, the professor need not mind just of words.Tell the truth, my China makes regiment this time come of the purpose is the place of origin that wants to visit Renaissance.Just arrived Related articles:

