
Artist Series ~~~Four Niangs the

There is still a great deal of white fog-like in shape light chemical element going back and forth to far and far have a liking for to can see white fog regiment is a kindly old man in the sky at the same time,Artist Series, he just the fairy Di in dauting eagle to carry on the back with his huge hand.
Only fasten of forbid to curse Kui not is only fasten sorcery in most the sorcery of gains and losses, even if is cure a form'create divine miracle'also similar!!The sword wound of fairy Di has already disappeared to be missing in less than few seconds, the pale small face also resumes rosy, however still didn't wake up ……
"How?Not is once say also want don't die can also in a twinkling get up?"See fairy Di still close tightly a pair of purposes shapes me worried of ask a way,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.
"Host need not hasty …… the princess is probably previous condition of the injury really too weigh, so just still the obfuscation don't come to, its making the princess thoroughly take a break to believe will come to of ……" Qiao son wearing a smile conciliation way.
"H'm~~~~"I ordered to nod to start to embrace fairy Di, toe some Lue to the direction of Chuang hospital, and Qiao son after giving an account with the green breeze and the Ji Mu severals also Lue to with same direction ……
Not and in a short while I have already fallen at the lawn of Chuang hospital up, my eyes always have never also left her that weak face, she is weak but have never had in my eyes be like at the moment so weak to lie at me of bosom in a move also motionless, although knowing perfectly welling a way her already lifeless danger, heart in can not help to deplore greatly with nervous ……oneself originally still didn't can come out for being addicted to her, she is like dream evil always tie up to round me ……"ha~~~~Oneself really makes mean, the somebody else basically doesn't like you, you again why on earth be the Chi Chi passionately devoted to be addicted to up to now?"My self-ridicule smiled to smile behind slow step dynasty the main house of the country villa.
"Feed~~~~This elder sister ……you this is at stem what?You don't know that this are the host's dwelling place ……is a forbidden ground?Hua~~~~Elder sister, you are very beautiful~~~~!!I understood, you must be come to apply for to wait upon host of?Ha ha ha~~~~But you arrived late, all quotas already we sister 12 people to have, the elder sister still returns to~~~~"Do not walk several tread a beautiful girl to flee I of in front.Zhi mile Wa of say a lot of ……
I have never realized her to embrace fairy Di to continue to walk forward ……
"Yi?!What's the matter with this elder sister?Seemed to get hurt ……feed~~~~This elder sister,Beats by Dre Just Beats, I once said here can not literally come in ……"see I have never managed she is again concentrated attention at I keep in mind in of fairy Di body up, but again see our seeming don't come to a stop of meaning hence held up my in front.
"Step aside!!"I say chillily.
The "……" girl gives to frighten a while silly, having never thought the in the moment beautiful elder sister is a men!!I didn't realize her again to nearby round to continue in the past at her dynasty the front door walked to ……
"Can not!!"The girl suddenly awakes and step clever of the footwork scream to arrive at my in front.Still pull out the soft sword that insets on the belt of waist to point to me to say at the same time:"Being a man can not even go in ……"
I again see chillily before return one toward that a face lovely smiling face, now but again one face the seriously resolute girl say."Step aside ……"
"Get out …… otherwise I Don't mention it ……" girl Jiao drinks a way.
" With you?"I the shape of one face despise say.
"You ……see recruit!!"The girl sees me a face Sui not to rise her facial expression heart in great anger then one sword dynasty I stab.
But the weird affair appeared, saw my eyes in cold light one Shan don't begin at all, the girl suddenly feels body one tightly incredibly whole individual settle at air, stab the lance of be like quilt an invisible of catch a hand then continuously revolve, looking at own a double-edged sword be twisted fried dough twist-like in shape have to be painful to shout to let go of, and she also acquired at the same time the bodily right of control falls at ground up, however her a double-edged sword became spring coil to fall at ground up, at exchange blows with me of the split second girl have already known very obviously to isn't my opponent, but fall to the ground at her after she didn't shrink back to still open a pair of arms block at me is before the face ……
"Step aside!!"I again say chillily.
"Not!!The dead doesn't let as well!!"The girl determinedly says.But her that consumedly watery eyes betrayed her and accumulated in the eye socket full the tears very obviously reveal to the others ……its host are very frightened!!
Lookinging at an at present girl is clearly afraid by himself[herself] want to die but still firmly stand by his/her own post, can not help secretly crying up the job of serving faithfully of girl to guard in my heart ……suddenly the girl's body again is a tight, she can not move again to helplessly looking at I with her round in the past, my voice again rings out at the same time:"You should not are very silly foolish to guard in this time here wait to die for job, but should notify that all people have the strong enemy came and let the partner work well to resist enemy so much of preparation ……"
My words let girl's body a shiver heart to beg for:"To~~~~Oneself beats however the elder sisters also beat however?However why does he want to lift himself/herself?"Girl some kind of entertain foolish ideases discover their he or shes and moved behind, but when she turn head a to see me to no longer know where went to imitate a Buddha without basis and disappear generally!!However she ignores the choice of her cleverness to report to the police first, hence she shouts loudly a way.
"Not good~~~~The elder sisters not good~~~~There is bad egg that intrude into to come~~~~"
"Alas!~~~~You this ghost wench and then at call what strength?You don't know host today want back?Disturbed host to see how you die?"More than ten figures quickly flee from the window front door after girl's some kind of astounding shouts, it are more rapid to be been four red Niangs of whole body fire by it, however one toward a girl is a Xun to scold.
"Blare~~~~Four Niangs, the really bad egg was intruded into ……"girl in the mind injustice pole be first humiliated by a bad egg then again be scolded by four Niang Xuns an unbearable cry.The facial expression that sees a girl is different from and is telling a lie hence four Niangs wrinkled up eyebrow to ask a way:"Bad egg?What bad egg?"
"Blare~~~~He just and still just of just be in a moment missing~~~~Still have him to make the somebody else flowing cloud of''~~~~"The girl cries to say.
"Just be in a moment missing?So that strong real strenght is ……"four Niangs saw 1 up became spring coil'flow cloud'the sword Be dark to beg for to ask a way again behind for a while.
"That what shape does he grow?"
The "is …… is a men, look pretty ……" girl takes a layer after layer nose voice to say."And he embraces a to see is harmed of woman ……"
"Is him!!Is that he came back ……"four Niangs flow of say.
"Four Niangs he is who?Do you know?"Nearby the girl asks a way in succession.They are really very curious is who girl's hand in'flow cloud'sword to twist so?'Flow cloud'although the sword says be not what absolute being soldier is also that the manikin Jiang is old to ascend with meticulous care it makes, it is lightly like wood bamboo, soft like silk, can hide between the belt, at infuse inside after the dint it hard such as steel stone's imitating a Buddha is specialized for the female orders to do of ……
"Catch him behind must he compensates ……for the sake of this'flow cloud'sword my somebody else return to old ascended a grandpa to wash three many clothes of months~~~~"The girl is a don't compensate the Shi doesn't give up of the shape say.
"Ghost wench~~~~Seeing to your sword was a nothing important to hope, you saw you or died this heart~~~"four Niang language the center of gravity Be long to clap to clap her shoulder to say.
"Why?"The girl asks a way.
"Ha ha~~~~Because of you in of that'bad egg'is exactly your host!!Ha ha~~~~"Four Niangs say then no longer realize mouth Zhang De can swallow what girl roared with laughter of apple to return to house ……
"!Is host!D D, do you quickly say to grow to is what kind?"A girl first shake that from shocked be called the girl of D D to ask a way.
Can D D but always a shape with foolish wood, continuously and mumbling way in the mouth:"Originally ……originally he is host, originally he is the host's Xi Xi~~~~"Then is that a burst of is awkward and shy silly smile just like a young girl with the spring again Related articles:

