
Facebook ansheng nods he had

How to answer .Because she is not familiar with the lake person ,only know million Xiansheng is Yang Yan grandpa ,they are sworn brothers three people known as the three lakes appears in all corners of the country is very famous ,only this and nothing .
Don million Xiansheng how much ability ,say accurate ,so listen to Zhao Yueru so ask ,so late ,here here : just grandpa said so ,I also ... ... , relationresultZhao Yueru immediatelyinterrupted her voice ,and said: t say too much, you want to take a look at him .
, relationresultZhao Qianru nodded,because she knows that Zhao Yueru and Yang Yan had known since childhood, and are not unfamiliar, usually also met frequently ,therefore to also did not think, said: all right ,then please sister come with me .
Speak up led the Zhao month Buddha to the bedroom .relationresultThetassel and beautiful Lin Yanhong sisters is in the room sat talking ,see Zhao Qianru into a white girl ,temperament elegant ,beautiful face ,but not in Zhao as she hit ,are busy rose .
Zhao as she hit the road : this is my sister, Princess of Yongan ,she would like to see a prince ,so I let her in . , relationresultBeautifulpurple red tassel and forest ,forest the sisters to be startled at forest ,forest beautiful purple ,red and sisters come on time is short ,only heard of Yongan names, but has not yet seen ,fringed only several years ago ,when Ruju ,Zhao Yueru and Zhao to hanging out as she hit far seen her time ,but the time was long ,had forgotten .
They did not think the princess Yongan will see Yang Yan ,tassel hurriedly to Zhao Yueru Shi Lidao : see the princess . Lin Chazi ,Lin Yanhong sisters by kneeling on the ground .relationresultZhao Yueru slightly nodded,said: not good .
And through them, went straight to bed ,reaching the first probed Yang Yan breath ,then grabbed Yang Yan hand ,the index finger ,middle finger ,ring finger across Yang Yan on keys .
Zhao Qianru also came to the bed ,looking at the moon for Zhao shi .Fringed them but do not know why the princess so nervous Yang Yan ,but they dare not ask ,did not dare to stop .relationresultAfter a while,Zhao Yueru Cai Songkai Yang Yan ,feel a sense of relief ,said: his breathing was uniform ,pulses were normal, and in vivo at running very smooth ,do not .
Only the meridians hurt badly ,don now in ,is really into the turtle information state ,automatic regulation of body functions ,the restoration of injured meridians ,meridians ,after recovery ,will wake up .
, relationresultZhao Qianru told herto believe that she is ,so to say, it completely at ease .Said: my sister said so, but what he must have happened .We go to the front seat . , relationresultTwo people walked out ofthe bedroom ,went to the hall table ,Zhao said: I came out as time is a lot of ,is to return to the palace ,no longer sit .
Then out of his arms and a white jade bottle to Zhao ,as she hit : master to my ten Crepis dan .She said that the wound is very effective, for you .And Yang Yan after waking up ,to take him ,perhaps can be resumed as soon as possible .
, relationresultZhao Qianru didnthis medicine precious ,also thought that only common health tonic ,conveniently took over, said: thank you for your sister . , relationresultZhao Yuerusmile : our sisters also use polite ?I return to the house ,you will have a good rest, you look haggard many .
And Yang Yanhao later ,I come to see you . , relationresultZhao Qianru nodded,and said: my sister ,I will not leave you ,see you out . , relationresultTwoside by side went outside ,to the outer front yard ,Yang An only took one male one female two boys came in ,a few people ,have winced, to people who believe king Zhao Chen and Lord Zhao Wanru in two individuals in Tongling county .
The original late night news also reached the letter praetorium ,old princess natural Miss daughter safety ,Zhao Chen is but the heart sister brother-in-law ,then decided to come have a look .
On the way they met just sneak out to play Zhao Wanru ,she listens to Zhao Chen to see Yang Yan ,should also follow up ,Zhao Chen had no choice ,but also brought her .relationresultWhen Yang An sawZhao Qianru ,the salute to her immediately ,said: the princess .
, relationresultZhao Qianru smiled,and said: Anber ,you give them to me ,go you go . , relationresultYang An alsowanted to get rid of these two hot potato ,and Zhao as implementing a ceremony ,said: the princess ,that I leave you now .
, relationresultYang Angone ,Zhao Qianru : he ,small lichen ,the two of you how to come . , relationresultZhaoZichen said: my sister ,mother also heard what happened yesterday ,is not assured ,so called me have a look you in the end how ,to meet the twelve mother ,she must also be followed, but also bring her ,brother-in-law .
.. ... Not ,is he ?How is he ? , relationresultZhao Wanru alsolook around ,said: I also want to have a look old goat ?Heard that he was badly hurt ?Dead? , relationresultZhao Qianru alsodid not speak ,Zhao Yueru has the cold face ,commanded : ,twelve mothers ,you mess nonsense ?When you get out brother know ? , relationresultZhao Wanru wasa bit afraid of her ,especially her as king Zhao Kai Deng ,busy and ridicule : six mother ,I am stealing to slip away ,you can my brother ah .
Otherwise he will shut me up . , relationresultZhaoas she hit the shook his head ,angry and funny ,in Zhao Wanru twisted ,said: the twelve mother ,google,you almost into the big girl ,how is this incoherent ,how will have .
, relationresultOnZhao Chen said: go back and tell my mother ,last night, I scared, no matter .Although they got a little hurt ,but also not obstruct greatly ,over two or three days will be good .
He later I will be with him back to the palace to see mother .Call the mother don mind .Just for today much ,prince also needs to convalesce ,temporarily unable to meet the guest ,so I won you ,both of you go back first ,I ,Prince good later came to play ball .
, relationresultZhao Chen nodded,said: .I . , relationresultZhao Qianruturned to Zhao said: my sister ,who is irritated you put twelve Niang back to Tang Palace . , relationresultZhao Wanrumade a wry mouth ,just want to say anything ,Zhao Yueru was a stare ,Facebook,and pharyngeal back ,but honestly followed Zhao Yueru .
relationresultSentafter them ,Zhao Qianru took a mosaic back bedroom ,road Jin Wen smiled: princess ,was the first time I saw Yongan princess so nervous .It seems that she is very concerned about her husband to ah ! , relationresultThree honeymoon 3 , relationresultZhao Qianru heart of a sudden start, suddenly stopped ,turned a few variable .
Mosaic was frightened jump ,said: the princess ,how are you ? , relationresultZhao Qianru then return to God ,said: no ,we go back soon . , relationresultBack to the room, million Xiansheng is house ,sitting on Yang Yan .
Zhao as she hit the see, given a significant channel Wanfu ,said: Grandpa ,you come . , relationresultWan Xiansheng nods ,he had only seen one side Zhao Yueru ,these days are busy taking care of Yang Yan ,also have not seen Zhao Qianru .
It was officially to see Zhao Qianru see she looks dignified ,beautiful ,not in Zhao like ,there are three love .She was tired ,wan-looking ,know her this day in the care of Yang Yan make all-out efforts ,heart also some pity, and track: Sun daughter-in-law ,cnn,arthritis ,to the right, after two or three days it will wake up ,you also don ,get some rest .
Some things to others to do . , relationresultZhao Qianru say ,hearts ,said: Grandpa ,just my sister sent a bottle of medicine ,what is called Huanyang Dan said to be in Lang wound is very useful, you have great experience ,don is it right? Really useful . Related articles:

