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Dressed in black and white tunic, end but cross-legged ensconced in a sedan ,that is a bit like a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva shape. But Yang Yan felt the female alone some familiar, like where is seen ,but at the moment but couldn But he did not notice the symplectic ring was also changed ,the whole people quietly hid behind Yang Yan to go.
, relationresultThat womanthere is rotating ,seems to be shot at Yang Yan, and then a slight bend down ,on the left side of the soft black people whispered a few words .Then the black talent : Saint aunt said, if you put everything away with the tax ,so the villagers and as He Shengcun forever.
God of light has the virtue of cherishing life ,their tax money from us for them .You count ,split into coins were hit ? , relationresultHesaid the Shenggu ,Yang Yan immediately think of it, this woman is the night into the palace of the masked woman ,no wonder some familiar.
But she is actually what Shenggu Manichaeism .relationresultQian Kongmu listens totheir willingness to pay taxes for the villagers ,rather than to find yourself into trouble ,was also a product of a stable ,he was also very quickly, Pi Pi Pa Pa hit an abacus ,said: with consumption down into coins and money last month pile is a total of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six through five hundred money , relationresultAt this time there were twowhite people carrying a wooden box to put money ,Jing Kong Mu before : here are two thousand through money ,do not find ,took away .
money Kong Mu opened the lid to look, it is a box full of coins, was estimated to have no two stem cross also has one thousand through seven hundred or eight hundred ,in my heart delighted, she backs out ,also not points quickly called lifted the box ,drove the vehicle swiftly away.
, relationresultAfter they left,Qi Village hurried to Zhong Xinyu ,said: the girl ,you do we pay taxes, thank you very much indeed. This money you see when you back ? , relationresultZhong Xinyu smiled: the money would not you .
You don thank me ,but we did not give them money ,but that is lying to them , relationresultSaimura Kowinced, said: I saw you put a box of coins were given to them , relationresultZhong Xinyu smiled,a gently waved ,a white man with a little more of the box will come ,wooden box lid open ,is installed inside a box full of coins, : look .
the villagers are confused ,just stare big eyes watching .relationresultThewhite people and the lid shut ,after a while ,open again, this time in the crate is not cash, but rather a case of leaves .
The villagers are uttered a sound amazing. The white man smiled ,and put the lid on ,and then open ,there is also a full box of coins .That all the villagers can by the white man laughed : see,cheap beats by dre, they took it is actually just a box leaves only, not real coins, this is the God of light strength , relationresultBellshin-yu said: God of light have great magic power ,know that you are suffering ,so they sent us here to save you from suffering .
As long as you believe in the God of light ,one day be suffering ,to a bright pure world . said soft car around made a sudden bright light art ,she will be the whole people enveloped in light ,a solemn silence ,to really somewhat a Buddism godness Guanyin with style.
, relationresultQijiavillage villagers there saw this ,and had just watched the leaves turn coins one act ,and thank them for their own taxes, once told Zhong Xinyu the bright god adores .
Each have knelt down ,Zhong Xinyu Mobai homage .relationresultYang Yanin the side of observing . In fact he is very clear ,Zhong Xinyu this gang is just playing a trick ,played a cover, the box is actually a sandwich ,a layer is a layer of copper ,the tree for what ,mystify ,the use of these simple village people.
However ,Yang Yan thought, no matter how pleased ,they also help the villagers paid taxes ,people now out of money, there must be some harvest it. Therefore even if is to deceive the villagers believe in Manichaeism ,is a can edge .
So Yang Yan did not break, but I feel a little sick ,but to say is why? , relationresultYang Yanremembered ,in the static River House ,Zhou Xin told him ,Manichean missionary approach is actually use this distraction to lie again Zhu ,is subjected to some petty ,see come is good.
But ,if not for the great song taxes too heavy ,almost pressed people difficult to maintain ,Manichaeism may not so easy in Guangnan local spread, investigate its germ ,or taxes are too heavy.
, relationresultWhenZhong Xinyu from the people came to the village ,he preached a Manichean doctrine ,the purpose. And Zhong Xinyu look to the Yang Yan side. Two eyes touched, they all know each other already recognized himself.
Yang Yan predict the potential shape ,but a fight ,although their own potential solitary ,but want to take the symplectic ring two people escaped or not to do .However ,symplectic ring run up there? , relationresultBellshin-yu : Yang adults ,while one after the other ,not without Qiang , relationresultYang Yanlight with a smile: each other, each other, Shenggu okay ? , relationresultZhong Xinyu smiled,suddenly said: small ,don ,come out , relationresultYang Yanwinced, it was discovered that Xin rings do not know when ,hid himself behind me .
Hear the words of Zhong Xinyu ,Xin Shan Shan ring from Yang Yan behind her head ,doing his best to hold his apologetic : ... ,cheap dr dre beats... Elder sister ,you would see me , relationresultZhong Xinyudeclared : I have reached the village saw you ,you dare to is not small ,a personal greeting not hit and run out of ten days ,know that we have much but your heart .
You don come ,he will come back with me , relationresultYang Yan thenbe startled at ,did not think of symplectic ring is actually this Manichaean Shenggu sister ,so she is a man. Xin ring with two little tiger ,Shan Shan arrived at Zhong Xinyu soft car before ,put the small tiger in the soft axle, blinked : elder sister ,you see the tiger cubs how cute ,you love ?Love words I send to give you but is not good , relationresultShe wasamused at Zhong Xinyu ,in her face gently twist the area, face said : go back and you do the accounts.
then to lower the head ,in the symplectic ring ear asked: what do you and the people together , relationresultSymplecticring saw Yang Yan, then the days after simple say to Zhong Xinyu again.
,beats dr dre, relationresultZhong Xinyulistened ,thought for a while, said: well ,I have to talk to him ,in this village speak inconvenience ,you go ask him and we all leave the village ,tell him to don ,we won hurt him , relationresultThe six rule 3 , relationresultSymplecticring nodded ,hurried back to the Jing Yang Yan side ,Zhong Xinyu told Yang Yan .
Yang Yan thought ,Zhong Xinyu does not deal with their own, take this opportunity ,can just leave the Qijia village .Then agreed. , relationresultAt the time Zhong Xinyu wasone of them. Also came over to teach ,has said goodbye to the villagers ,ready to leave Yang Yan and Xin ring to the villagers farewell.
Villagers just see, know that they are sisters ,no longer retain, just send them to the Yang Yan holding Hai Dongqing and Zhong Xinyu in their group behind symplectic ring ,also in the back with him.
, relationresultThevillage later ,symplectic ring to tell Yang Yan ,his real name was Zhong Xinhuan ,a leader is the younger daughter of Zhong Zimao ,which has a big sister is a saint aunt Zhong Xinyu ,and a brother ,called Zhong Zhenxian.
Yang Yan told Zhong Xinhuan his own name. He is Yang Yan ,the little girl had started to open up the mouth, a long time can not close .Looked up and down the Yang Yan ,like you just know him .
But this situation now Yang Yan more, also become inured to the unusual .relationresultOut of themore than 10 miles ,in front of the Zhong Xinyu party stopped Zhong Xinyu from soft car Related articles:

