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The steel wire, its high state, is a station betwixt not only doesn't pour, but also can at every step go forward, head for terminal point.
But, the current situation allows oneself to walk steel wire?Connect that to see oneself and see main son at ordinary times black eldest brother, all climbed, oneself so at present step near Ma Xi's influence is not is should quickly?Be like oneself thus of vice- bureau class staff, in the whole city the mileage Be extremely to count, with what use oneself?Say white, be when the research appoints you, get someone talk for you, while the person nature for talking is the tallest man at the wheel.
In the S City, the tallest man at the wheel is Ma Gang.He doesn't want to use you, you are a gold, must also cover up, and you are a dragon, must also lie.
How to do?His have been lingering around these three words in brain border.
Fear a tiger after being ex- to fear wolf, concern too many, result usually not equal to idea, should is the time for making a firm decision.
"I of so check these, is because someone sees Zhao Xiao Zhuo, numb beautiful, once with be doubted once went shopping for the autumn Lei of this case the party concerned, explain several people were friends at least, thus proved to relate to two close women with Wang Feng, all acquainted with with autumn Lei, this elucidation what?Everyone wants that if know own women to be kidnap, even almost be humiliated, so be used as a man, we change a thinking for a while, it is us to change to do, and how are our feelings?One Nu under how to do meeting?"This person is a branch office criminal police the big brigade is one inside captain, young and capable, have much of way of thinking in breaking difficulty case, his words, immediately arouse everyone's deep thought.Though he didn't speak is the case that that police,cheap beats by dr dre, Wang Feng, makes,also pointed to many doubtful points very clearly Wang Feng.
That in captain finish saying, the whole board room immediately becomes utter silence, everyone even can hear own heart palpitates voice.To know doubt that police's homicide isn't a small affair.There is no definite evidence, will be troublesome, once canning not get a confirmation, will interiorly result in biggest dismay, this responsibility is very big, who can can take?
"I think river's brigade is analytical reasonable, in this case, the most decisive wreath is that autumn Lei.We can invite international criminal police to help and ask her to help a police to investigate this case, that time, the her different idea must also agree.So, don't we can ask her by Xun?"See the Hao bureau is lost in thought in, and then one person break silent say, " when the time comes, we can invite preliminary hearing expert participation interrogate, don't believe her not to open mouth."
Chapter 10 case settles sex(2)
Don't know to thought of what, contemplate medium Hao spring to suddenly wake up with a start.
"What reasonable, absolutely be have fantastic idea, the international criminal police is so please?BE how many underworlds the member's odd death, call in and show public security official's department to move international criminal police to help us, this may?"The Hao spring stared that person's one eye, then looked around on all sides, the facial expression abnormality was dignified.Say around of, and then pull last that king's breeze, Wang Feng in nowadays is unlike former, inside track says, that is newly arrived of numb secretary to he very is in the machine, even once the secret dated him, this has already outrun the association category of father-in-law and son-in-law.Politics is what, politics is the darkest bargain, the marriage of power and money, have no the person of has a good head touch to is certain to die, oneself didn't also not want to die before finding out a big powerful supporter and thoughted of here and continued to say, "be find out her again how, as long as she one mouthful deny, we again how?We don't have evidence proof she is the victim of this case, have no, our have nothing at all, only a few corpses, but the corpse can explain what, can not explain anything.The so-called evidence we control now, all is reasoning and assumption that depends us must come out, these have no use to this case and say clearly, there is no definite evidence proving that the autumn Lei is the woman who is kidnap, all of everythings are empty talks.The true facts that don't want to fantasize she will see tells us, that is tantamount to the sun comes out from the west similar difficult.Much less Juliet household that invites her to go out is one of the most ancient households of Italy, in the household once someone judged a household to join Mafia, and became a party leader, though outward declared the identity to that person not to the acknowledgement, necessarily the blood is thicker than water, saided again to have who dared to say them this isn't a confidence game?Household like this, even want presidents comity three cents, their bodyguard your hall in the airport was already very polite."
"Since can not please international criminal police, that we can make use of those long hair."That person deathless and noble-minded polemic way.
"That I ask you, are those long hairs where to discovers?"Pretty much comprehend Zhang Ye of Hao spring mental state, once connected words Chi to ask a way.
"In the victim car."That person answers a way.
"How do you come to prove that those long hairs are an autumn Lei again?The even if long hair is an autumn Lei of, again how?Long hair is discover on the car, didn't appear centrally on the scene."Zhang Ye Dun for a while, continue way, " saves hall to all through the night carry on an examination to the hair check material that we send over and affirms that the long hair should grow to should be stayed by a women about 60 years old, we immediately at DNA database compare to, as a result check have no this person.Because those long hairs have no hair follicle and save hall to feel own examination result may and prohibit indeed, will leave of long hair check the material send to a public security official department examination, public security official's department has already got at present accurate conclusion, the hair is a women about 40 years old all, by our ratio to, coincidentally and a household register is in my city but flow DNA that the fairy of fleeing the whole country steals mutually unanimously, if this result is true, so, this fairy steals to take that car, is also say, those long hairs are very likely to be what fairy steals to leave, say that what they kidnap is it the fairy that doesn't know a Zong that steal?If this DNA is 100% precision, so why do they kidnap a fairy to steal?"
Present owners are all stunned speechless, same people's hair, examine two kinds of results, actually can that kind of even believe?No one can say purely.
Zhang Ye finishes saying, see one eye Hao spring, 2 people all peep out can only the idea will can not talk to spread of smile an idea.
"You continued to say and made everyone understand for a while."The Hao spring signals hint a way.
"H'm, okay, I said."Zhang Ye's vision looks around the whole project set of public, continue to say, " since saves the result of hall and public security official's department inconformity, so do we actually believe whose?We believe science, because the hair with no hair follicle, doing the result of can not believe, this is the hard conclusion of science.No matter as a result how, can not influence us sex is to the settling of case, do I think that this case is to can affirm to kill for gang enemy?"
"H'm, reason?"The Hao spring cherishes a word,such as gold ground, to say.The in the mind extremely admires to the hardhead of this old subordinate, is really a person of polished and elegant.The hope that this case uncovers isn't obviously big, everyone has no necessities all to consume in this stem, these police force completely can do some another of, work much get BE, hang a case and isn't this.The case can not break, must also have a full reason to just go.Otherwise, how oneself is give an account to the city bureau, give an account to the family members of victim?
The board room is very quiet, falling the needle can smell.Everyone is waiting for Zhang Zhi Dui's analysis, because his words may be a case to finally settle sex very much.
Zhang Ye looks around on all sides and sinks a track:"The dead is burnt three oneself is one of the core members of underworld, and the occurrence of the underworld open fight to beat Dou, also very normal, beat Dou to unavoidably have death and harm, but those dead certanly will choose machine revenge in the friend of the person on the his hand.So, I think the occurrence dies a case at my 4 people of the city chessboard mountain oak park, can settle sex to kill for underworld enemy.Be say, this homicide case should be an occupation cutthroat BE.Reason is as follows:Case's making should commit crime for 2 people or the knot of more than 2 people, one person makes moves another one person or several person's matches.The spot in the center didn't leave any clues that the case makes and explained that the case has very strong anti- investigate experience.Before getting into the spot, wear gloves on the hand, wear socks on the feet.From kill people skill up see, the skill is very professional, currently, we can not also break to settle to kill people skill.As for eat for them before the dead**, heroin, pure is want to humiliate them just.Those leave of**, sea Related articles:

