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Compare again, princess heavy give Xuan Feng not to dare to have to the slightest neglect!But my rest three brotherses but can have a competition several fields with you.The thunder fire cloud sun of severe I have already experienced, three of my brotherses shoulded don't win victory of opportunity, I think the thunder fire cloud sun is not is withdraw this to have no necessity of have a competition."
"Vegetable smell a sky, Long Si Jie's power is profound, eldest brother already and the thunder fire cloud sun lead to.Don't know we rest brothers whether 3 people is lucky, can with water cloud brave and thick soil cloud can, the breeze soul cloud English come to an equity of to definitely!"Fly in the void loudly a way:" Such as cloud brave say, the person who lost can not participate in the war of this two clans."
Three brotherses mutually see a to smile, flank a few tall persons inwardly shake head and challenge cloud sun, brave cloud, cloud can they can also comprehend and seek cloud English typing, they brain hairiness disease, none of personses, such as that and oneself...etc. dares to move of hard sting.Cloud sun cachinnation way:"Please forgive we can not completely promise your requests, in the breeze soul cloud English of next four younger brother already not is working properly cloud mountain, and at under also not think that you have the ability to challenge him, our rest three brotherses cooperate to also just unwillingly have a draw with him, if is the commander-in-chief of your East China Sea to put forward thus of request me to think that he should consider for a while."
Isn't only only a Xuan Feng, fly in the void this time, bosom Ren, connect from think search out the Xuan Ling of enough data all have some stunned, the thunder fire cloud sun, water cloud brave and thick soil cloud can three people cooperate just unwillingly can with the moderate breezes soul cloud English, their brothers four inside leasts of a mutually match!In East China Sea even if is a general commander-in-chief to perhaps also have no real strenght like this.But cloud sun etc. the way of the Human body side Gao Ren in the door unexpectedly there is no a person producing a different facial expression to his words and imitated a Buddha originally is like this similar.
"But we several brotherses are always all very united of, the activity is unanimously also surprising, if" Xuan traverses heart in secretly pleased, luckily cloud English didn't come, otherwise oneself will die very miserably, legendary he is a kill devil can't wink of terrible guy, dead count by the thousands in the demon number in the his hand.And this person's means is very overbearing, all of demon big parts are that the skeletons aren't whole, fall aparts, the so terrible opponent isn't what he hopes to see.If this also not ability whole strange cloud Englishes, he wants to face numerous demons every time, if can not in the shortest time inside solve or shake Zhe to live them, oneself's successful opportunity is more elusive, and here noodles white the achievement of the class is not small either, more than 3,000 year whole body scales and shell knife the gun don't go into dint greatly endlessly work properly a monster, it kills the means of demon really is can not make people lay it on with a trowel.Isn't a fireball and beat the somebody else and roast pig is match equally outside, is an use's oneself's huge body and become the minced meat that can mutually match in excellence with shrimp sauce to the demon.The prestige of cloud English mostly comes like this.
"The new talent whom dragon in the sky believes in combines to not only only have a sky Long Si Jie."Suddenly that one is clear and crisp pleasing of voice spread to come over, sees public back come out to a beautiful and moving young woman however is about 20 years old, the whole body utter darkness long skirt waist one handle golden light flickering short sword, " Long Zong Jin's sword in the sky protect method cloud dream, unique younger sister to Long Si Jie in the sky, doing not know can replace a cloud English of my elder brother a war?If I hurt, the war of of this two clans I cloud dream absolutely can't participate in again."
The Xuan traverses exultation in heart, but face up but Be not willing to express, one is about 20 years old of beautiful girl, ha ha, oneself this time cure of success much bigger.The appearance that sets up for some injustices looking at cloud sun to wait person to ask a way:"Can you not send an a little bit other famous new talents?Vanquishing the girl like this can not become our honours!"
Cloud dream is tiny tiny on smiling, confident way:"Vanquish you small sea demon like this however is the prelude that I challenge a few elder brothers just,www.headphones-fashion.com, if you can come out 100 to recruit from me, I can calculate you not to hurt and vanquish me, you aren't thinking this lifetimes."
The hero tears have been already ended, please concern 《the evil soul records of the demon maneuver 》 !!!

Chapter 203 invites Dou(2)

Work properly cloud top of hill, the lord in a few Zong Zhu, door, Zhang door remits and gathers a , Xuan Feng several individuals promise a brave challenge of cloud and really make them very happy, although mouth inside doesn't say, what everyone really knows their four personal representatives is what, if they all want to withdraw the war with probably takes place, the way boundary is opposite and comes to say will be easily a lot of.But cloud sun, brave cloud, cloud can at the moment just by turn the "teach" don't know the younger sister of immensity of the universe, that kind of situation the bottom unexpectedly speak that kind of to let all pantheress aquatic animalses the Hao doing not already marvel talk strong language, three people all know cloud dream of so can be this gold sword to protect a method, and win an election in the pimping time gold sword to protect a method and completely is the achievement of cloud English and work properly the help of monster.In battle experience, this baby younger sister with they of the difference of really isn't 1.2:00.
The bitterness wears smiling face, cloud dream dissatisfied way:"The somebody else is to don't want to let for a sky, is new talent dragon subjected to other people's indignity?And you at ordinary times not is say me and you of the margin of only have so a little?Those sea demons are affirmative to isn't your opponents, between you and they of margin affirmation also have, that I be not with they match equally?Since is so, you still have what worry so much?Not be forgetting, I still have gold and silver sable, emerald to protect, water cloud sword is to ascend an old gentleman too much to personally refine of fairy machine, their affirmation's hasing no weapon is getting better than this."
Looking at gradually some satisfied cloud dreams, cloud sun can the wry smile wear a way:"Say the true, you haven't broken a green dragon now, because being afraid to suffer hardship Be not willing to white Long Gu turns, it is can hardly for fixing for the top to have what progress.The list talks about the spiritual influence in the body you and a little probably have of on putting together, but you bad of that will never be a day and two days inside can make up last.Because what you are bad is a knife head experience that lick blood is, in 1,100 life and deaths that fight.I and two younger brothers, a little, four younger brothers these year the south advertise for a north war, various fight several hundreds of as many as, death and harm at our under charge devil much extremely number, this isn't what ordinary people can own either for experience that we bring."
"Experience not is deliver?"Cloud dream dissatisfied way:"You can make these in the last yearses meeting better battle experience in the opponent you tell me, let I quickly acquaint with for a while not good.And the somebody else is somehow also a sky, Long Zong Jin's sword protects a method, the task going out has already done more than tens as well."
"Does the gold sword protect a method?"Cloud can the wry smile not get of way:"Does the gold sword protect a method to still have a lot of kinds?I am gold sword to protect a method to the task in nowadays already ascend 100, among them large dangerous of want also count with ten account.Experience really can deliver, but that needs very for a long time just can, we tomorrow will start fighting, where have time to teach you what things.You are us dragon in the sky believes in of lovely female, little princess, those more than ten tasks that can difficultly pour gold and silver sable and let you go to however is the hatred that walks a field to quell you just.But different this time, calculate, there was gold and silvered sable being estimating their several individuals even if some skills also aren't likely to hurt you.The small dream forbade to commit tomfoolery next time, if this kind of affair make four younger brothers know, affirmation wants to beat your bottom."
Huming of cloud dream disaffection is one- track:"Elder brother Ying just can't, if he knew, affirmation breaks the bottom of those idiots first."
Make reference to cloud English several brotherses immediately thoughted of princess Ya Ling's absence, cloud was a little bit brave to nod a way:"He turns the possibility of taking the population biggest, after all for beauty he but have a fatal attraction.Long Zu's princess should be a noble Jie Ao don't tame of, they expect to be conquered, but can conquer their to seem to be only a few, we the brothers of that real strenght abnormal condition should be 1.Otherwise the bewitching boundary of great reputation first beauty the charmingly feminine pretty woman can't willing follow him to do, either small."
The cloud boundless Duo writes to tread a son way:"See appearance four younger brothers still keep having some not to trust to make us pick a crossbeam, unexpectedly display a beautiful male to account secretly of turn the somebody else's chief commander to run.However being better like this, facing always not as a few as with impetuous young superiors of woman is comfortable to , we can also put Related articles:

