
Beats by Dr Dre Pro corridor Wang Lin

Here are all buildings, all in order to set up Wang Lin for the jade jade extremely sensitive ,now see look full of jade ,he could not help but take a deep breath .relationresultBut it has strong restraining seal ,otherwise ,must take these jade out ! Wang Lin glanced at the foot of the Jade Road ,face bad color .
relationresultIn front of himBaizhang ,there is a huge Danlu ,this Danlu cap has some arm size small ,white puffs of smoke rising from childhood ,Konne .relationresultDanluin hundreds of feet forward ,is a three floor .
relationresultWang Linhimself did ,going forward ,in the next Danlu ,he stopped ,along the small holes on the Danlu ,inward looking .relationresultDanluonly at the bottom of the furnace ,has a beach water ,blowing out the white smoke ,is from the water inside the shed .
relationresultI was not the first person to enter the area ,which Danlu ,perhaps before pills ,was prior to entering the people here . Wang Lin looked a condensate ,look to the Danlu six on it, there is a prohibition of the seal, but is broken ,apparently had been cracked .
relationresultCarefully read theone ring ,Wang Lin went forward ,in the attic ,Wang Lin stop, look at it, the attic above also has a seal ,and the following three steps ,each step on the seal to have which is a whole seal ,once banned falls ,can into countless ,the pavilion and all goods ,all from prohibition !This seal technique even in ancient times, rarely ,based on what I have read some books record ,this hearsay is Xianjie law !relationresultAlso known asthe forbidden ! , relationresultWang Lin looked around,to oneself , here are the immortal cave ins and outs ,ban ,here ,it is really a fairy is not , relationresultWang Linthought of here ,more cautious ,although anterior attic ban seal already was broken ,but he remained cautious view ,will step .
relationresultThreelayer in the attic ,Wang Lin carefully observed ,can move ,thus ,it consumes a lot of time, however ,can be observed through the attic ,Wang Lin is forbidden ,a thorough .
relationresultTheloft is empty ,even furniture ,nothing left half .If not the ground have some prior to placing chairs traces ,Wang Lin would not have thought ,the desks and chairs are broken after the removal of the former seal .
relationresultThe fairy cave ,even furniture ,be afraid also is not mortal ,been taken ,also in reason ! Wang Lin quipped .relationresultThe threefloor in the too empty ,Wang Lin have gained nothing ,this pavilion building restraining ,almost all were broken ,but as Wang Lin watched, he is found ,these prohibitions break traces show ,are not the same people are solved, the attic ,there are at least three without division of the crack of method of .
relationresultOne of thesemethods ,the use of ancient prohibitions ,very subtle ,the broken seal after the dispersal of a flower is often formed clubs like, this technique in some ancient books ,Wang Linceng see ,called plum eighteen taboo !relationresultIn the attic,in this way to break the ban, occupy a bull !Apparently by the same person .
relationresultThisprohibition ,in ancient sector reputation greatly ,but rather about the first branch, outsiders never learned ,even direct disciple ,also according to the different status, the most learned nine taboo !Only the head, can complete to learn eighteen taboo !relationresultWas about to leave,Wang Lin suddenly look a condensate ,on the ground originally placed tables and chairs the traces on a ,look !relationresultErgenis a pure man ,I living to eighteen and special flower ,into the plum blossom eighteen taboo !Pure .
relationresultThe 559th chapter hall Pavilion , relationresultThe atticfloor ,it was placed where there are several tables and chairs ,traces ,which traces apparently tables and chairs placed for too long a time ,coupled with the peripheral seal is broken here ,lost ash small Mitac .
relationresultInthe attic inside careful observation in a circle ,in Wang Lin ,is that a lot of information .relationresultFirst of all,before he enters the attic ,should be three people !Of course, does not rule out the possibility of people such as Wang Lin goes, come here to see all the previous solution through debris .
relationresultOf these three,the master of the plum blossom eighteen prohibition of the people ,are the first to appear, he should be proud and arrogant ,it does not put in the eyes of Wang Lin ,according to the observation ,the attic where looks for putting valuable goods ,there are eighteen can wreck .
relationresultThe manleft, again in succession two people come here ,they break some amateurs ,the tables and chairs ,and is one of those .relationresultThejudgment of focus is now at Wang Lin in the eyes of the ground .
relationresultThis graymarks are some small chips ,if do not look carefully ,there won .relationresultWang Lincrouched down ,forefinger on sawdust ,had a look at the .relationresultTo break ,it was placed on the chair here ,there is a damaged Wang Lin in the hands of sawdust bullets fly , attic door out of the body .
relationresultIn intercalatedfloor, is a long corridor ,Corridor around to jade cemented fence ,Cheap Beats By Dre,the fence, is a dry pond .relationresultThere are alsoa lot of prohibitions to be abolished after the residual ,in the pond ,Wang Lin once again found a eighteen of clubs and pattern .
relationresultWalking inthe corridor ,Wang Lin step by step carefully ,carefully look around here in his eyes ,especially around the fence ,many having been broken .relationresultThe moreforward ,restraining residual is less ,out of about ten years ,this cloister has the end ,end ,gallery one divides into three ,divided into three directions .
relationresultAt the intersectionof King forest stop careful look at this three roads ,he needs to find out it was good at plum eighteen forbidden people to direction ,the prohibition of too strong, if followed him ,what the baby will not be .
relationresultThe manis an elegant thief ,often for things, in the following the two person, looks like the robber ,basically see things do not let go, but their limited ability will have some of the best things left .
relationresultLook carefullyafter a short while, Wang Lin tries in a three direction out of a few yards Mou not subsequently returned to in situ ,eyes twinkle straight to the right road to .
relationresultOut of theBaizhang ,Wang Lin sees hope, although the scenery is still ,but in his opinion ,is everywhere broken restraining residual marks ,these prohibitions were being forcibly break ,even in some places ,the prohibition only broken half will give up .
relationresultWhen you encounterthese broken half of prohibition ,Wang Lin will stop ,careful look at it he was impatient to start to break but to observe ,to move on .relationresultTheright side of the road ,which extends on both sides of the fence while there are ,but it is no longer a pond outside the fence ,but a bamboo forest .
relationresultCarefulahead ,Wang Lin suddenly footsteps meal ,raised his right foot ,slowly put in in situ ,he lay ,but is prohibited within the binocular Rune flicker .relationresultHerethe front ten feet ,there is a hall of citrus ,citrus within the hall has four round table ,bench ,table ,placed a cup and a few cups .
relationresultWang Lin lookeda condensate ,eye gel cautious awn ,vigilance and looked around ,this hall cabinet ten feet ,an intact ,without any break .relationresultThis hall Pavilion inside the stone table.
The flagon, there are dry I followed the previous break trace comes, here, the prohibition of forced break was stopped ! Wang Lin pondered awhile step back, binocular prohibition Rune flashing, careful observation ,gradually he was more and more dignified .
relationresultSo that is what it is. this hall ,within the prohibition ,in which tens of thousands of kinds of changes, if not wholly derived from once entered its ten feet ,will Related articles:

