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What help ? , relationresultLook up to theDragon cavalry that large size ,blue Xi face had become a pale ,gently shook his head .At this time, before also some angry peacock already low head .
relationresultPrior to the start of the game,Yinzhu leaves has been identified by the wolves game tactics ,however ,the phonology of God for he was the only one .That is to say ,if they beat him, then ,is equivalent to defeat the God sound department, and he wants to win, you must defeat the opponent by five .
Like all people think, God sound division facing the heavy cavalry charge ,even the most simple exposure may also cause fatal injuries ,Hane Take said to protect their friends ,so ,in the finals ,he chose the wolves .
This is not only to all people in charge ,at the same time ,but also their strong self-confidence .relationresultHeavy cavalryis the five contestant slowly retreated to the sidelines, leaf Yinzhu did not like other people think back on one is ready to begin playing a half ,left hand ,Mizuki Kiyokiko has just appeared in his arms ,holding in the arms of his left arm .
relationresultThe race began,heavy cavalry department first appeared ,is a mount is the Ailikemin dragon trainees ,pale yellow in the lance tip you shine ,in martial arts department students the audience cheering, toward the leaf Yinzhu direction rushed .
relationresultThis is thefirst time in the face of leaf Yinzhu dragoons ,Eric dragon public figure is not very big ,however ,when his long long legs move up, impact force was like a hurricane ,several hundred meters accelerate only a couple of blink had with violent wind rushed to the leaf Yinzhu before .
relationresultLancesharpened faint light scattered ,in Ailikemin dragon brings speed and yellow in order you strength ,even in the face of a wall will also be pierced .relationresultThe arms of Ye Yinzhuon the sky ,standing there even dodging movements are not made, watching the Ailikemin dragon before gradually enlarge, his eyes did not show any change ,many martial arts department student heart already in the am ,the God sound system will not have been scared silly .
relationresultHum -- leaf Yinzhu finally moved ,in Ailikemin dragon have rushed to him ten meters when his right hand goes from strings on the shoot, leaf Yinzhu type popping moment sounded .
relationresultSonic boom,has always been the closer the greater power ,leaf Yinzhu choice at this time release ,in order to give the opponent a comprehensive impact .relationresultHeavy cavalryin the defense force than the strong too much too much ,but in the spirit of defence but than any magician fragile .
A sudden popping even yellow magician will have a brief absence ,not to mention the first grade students in front of the heavy cavalry .He was violent impact attitude suddenly became a lag ,the brain completely fell into a blank .
relationresultA distance of ten meters,the thrust speed Ailikemin dragon it is just the moment had arrived .When a leaf Yinzhu right across the sea or when, his whole person was from the ground up ,yellow light in the systemic combustion ,air leaves Yinzhu posture still is so elegant ,like a cloud, enveloped the opponent before .
relationresultThe first set of piano magic chapter nineteenth the power to shake the heavy cavalry ( four) , relationresultNottoo much or complex movements ,vertical jump in mid-air three metres Ye Yinzhu just lifted his right knee ,physical location just let the lance, while ,in the brain blank knight has not answered a God to come .
relationresultBoom-- ,knight that wear heavy armor chest ,suddenly crashed into Ye Yinzhu right knee ,Ailikemin dragon speed ,to become a full part of the leaf Yinzhu attack force .Two meters tall ,wearing heavy armour of tremendous physical non-stop out ,even in the moment of impact has been rushed to more than ten meters .
relationresultHugetraces the emergence in the bosom of his heavy armor ,helmets in the body with floor moment have fallen to fly ,and export out of blood ,the last moment also in a threatening manner of dragoons ,was at the time already gasping for breath .
relationresultLosthis Ailikemin dragon from the leaf Yinzhu them over, before that a huge impact ,leaves Yinzhu body just flutter back several meters in the air ,soft a turning ,beats by dr dre pro,quietly landing .
relationresultTens of thousands of people gatheredin the central test field ,now falling needle can be heard, each one can all .relationresultFrom beginning to end,leaves Yinzhu only made a few simple movements ,but it is this simple action ,make a has a Ailikemin dragon dragoon direct coma .
A magician, by virtue of the power of a dragon * seckill cavalry ,just this alone is terrified .Most people now have ignored the leaf Yinzhu strings from the sound of a sonic boom .
relationresultFerguson,Nina are bright, God phonology cheers ,both eyes lit up .relationresultGod sound system ,gas ... ... God ,phonology ,win ... ... . , relationresultThe Ministry of magic had a chance of relief ,crazy cries rang again ,the boiling ,however, this time the protagonist has changed direction .
relationresultWolf packtactics ,no time for rest .At landfall and seismic sea wave general cheers is not finished in time ,second cavalry ,the participants had been rushed out from the side of .
This time ,leaf Yinzhu opponents ,with mount is a markinor citroen .relationresultMachino speed is much slower than Ailikemin dragon ,but ,once it moves ,it is a moving fortress .At this point, the heavy cavalry to leaf Yinzhu disdain has completely disappeared ,the same level in the order you have yellow trainees drives dismount Chino Tielong slowly towards the direction of the force to Yinzhu leaves .
relationresultThis time,leaf Yinzhu no waiting ,but facing the opponent went, he do not go fast ,just like ordinary people to walk ,and before is still left in the arms of the sea or organ is already back in space ring .
Then a bare-handed attack to armed to the teeth of the dragoon .relationresultClose,they are close to each other .At this moment ,the audience held their breath waiting for another wonderful collision .
relationresultAh -- roaring howling ,five meters long lance in the air form a layer of yellow gun shadow ,markinor Tielong enormous head while moving the leaf Yinzhu chest bumped .
relationresultYe Yinzhuspeed is very fast, at least compared with Sura to get a lot worse, however ,and the head to defense force known markinor Tielong is faster than a lot of .Body moment traversing ,leaf Yinzhu dodged markinor cages of the impact over the face ,to own a gun ,he made a quick and easy, but like his action .
Facing the sharp lances jumped up .relationresultThe sameis yellow aura ,the rally in the right lobe Yinzhu eyes ,all big ,Quanshi towering, straight into the gun .relationresultThedragoons feel only one ,at the same time he stuck the gun appears to be dozens of opponent is completely made of leaves ,Yinzhu boxing just watch out ,but whether he wants his own hands lance produced what change, but are unable to escape the punch front covers ,can do only will you completely condensed the lance and Ye Yinzhu front hardball .
relationresultFlesh and bloodfist ,on the very edge of the lance , the same yellow grade mump ,seems to be ending is destined .relationresultSuddenly,as in boxing and gun will meet together, leaf Yinzhu right changed ,fist variable palm ,singular rotation, is supposed to live in the moment was gunning fists seized the gun tip .
relationresultKnightnot startled counter-happy ,arms at the same time force ,shouted , . As long as the God sound system will pick up ,so ,today, this battle is no suspense .relationresultThe bodyis indeed up ,but not the leaf Yinzhu . Related articles:

