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Then you should to a large extent by Yuan Rong mountain limited .Once the yuan Rong mountain to do it on his own ,with the label ,I didn much room for resistance ,even if they are in Yuan demon within the relationship, also will because this label and scruple ,cannot help himself .
relationresultWant to knowthis, Yuan Futong finally faced up to now the awkward position .relationresultFor theyuan Rong mountain ,because before Yuan Futong want to join Yuan Temple ,so belongs to heterogeneous .
relationresultAlthoughBlack Hawk reality explains that punishment of Yuan Futong expectations, but also willing to support Yuan Futong ,but it is hard to say how many credible .While the yuan palace ,although some people admired Yuan Futong ,but because the penalty Joe stopped, never done .
That is to say ,Yuan Futong now looked scenery ,but has lost support truly own strength .Usually it is not obvious ,but at the crucial moment ,for example war opened ,task allocation ,will let Yuan Futong have a deficiency .
relationresultUnderstandhis situation ,Yuan Futong is certainly not closed my eyes waiting .Although determination to leave has not changed ,but Yuan Futong also know definitely would stay for a long time .
In this may at any time to experience significant fighting, if allowed this to continue ,it is irresponsible to their own lives ,beats by dre australia.relationresultTochange this situation, there are two areas that need work .
The first is a natural element of the monks ,after all major decisions are from Yuan Temple ,as long as the element of some influence, Yuan Futong would be a good many .But with the element of strength is too strong ,want in Yuan Temple has influence too difficult .
Even if the rumors in the Ming Cho elders of Yuan Futong very much ,and Yuan Futong still no climbing relationship method .relationresultThe seconddirection is now Yuan Futong still belongs to the yuan Rong mountain .
Supreme commander ,rights framework basic is the three balance ,leading the ancient home of penalty ,and the other friars .The ancient family because of the contradiction. Want to be close to impossible already ,penalty home itself supported Yuan Futong will not easily change .
And like the real match reality such third forces ,is to fight for the object .Prior to Yuan Futong because of the mentality of the problem ,on this kind of thing is not positive ,adhere to and really conform to reality to draw a line ,not accept the other kindness .
But now the situation has changed ,Yuan Futong will take advantage of the opportunity .relationresultNot seen for many years, yuan Xiaoyou work progress !In my case within when I often hear little friends of your deeds ,in these years ,but you as we yuan Rong mountain dignified ! Yuan Futong first entered the real match reality where the cave ,it conform to reality on the warm said to Yuan Futong .
relationresultHe looksas if ,no year because of his kindness and what feeling rejected by Yuan Futong .relationresultThanks. .Junior was a fluke .There are two if not advanced pokong growth character ,I have been crystal night people left .
Say, I want to thank you is . Since you have to fight for each other ,Yuan Futong will not be as did a thousand li away ,but very skilled dove and the other climbs the relationship .
relationresultOh ,that two games I have heard, is facing the eight order night crystal family ,young friends you can easily break out of an encirclement ,mainly by your own ability ,I Fu Zhuan is but a little help .
I think even without my Fu Zhuan .You certainly can change danger into safety ,are you holding me ! , relationresultReallymatch reality first time felt Yuan Futong change of heart ,quite happy, so it is fit with a Yuan Futong counter .
relationresultPredecessors .The predecessor to look for me ,what shall command ? Yuan Futong smiled .Not to speak around this topic .After all, express their own meaning you can ,too much touted hand does not accord with his own character.
On the other hand, it is also not easy to let person trust .relationresultI don dare to command ,but this time for you to do some things . Really conform to reality smiled ,said : this time I bring the monks of God a lot, but they were cultured disciple ,are almost never participated in any major battles ,had no combat experience .
From this situation .This war has been difficult to avoid ,they also must battle .As their leader ,and I don let these people unprepared for battle ,and that the friends of you from the magic Hyun reality learned method of the road, want you to help me remember to practice them ,let them against the enemy to composition method, more chance to survive ,how do you like it? , relationresultI was happy for seniors .
But the war started after these people may not be together ,this training is useful? Yuan Futong asked .relationresultThis little friend of you don .All previous wars .All monks are on their own team ,element of not excessive interference .
But even a part of them, let them accept some scraping practice also no harm ,but now they are idle .Young friends willing to help ? Really conform to reality said with a smile .relationresultThe younger generation brought .
( ,!) , relationresultChapter fifty-eighth lessons , relationresultFrom thetrue reality of the caves of conformity ,Yuan Futong hands more than two Fu zhuan .This is true with reality to give Yuan Futong the help ,but also a kind of investment ,after all ,mutual trust is difficult to improve, there is often the need that material medium .
But regarding Yuan Futong .Since it has been decided that really conform to reality the knot of people ,nature never rejected the offer ,so happy to accept the two Fu zhuan .relationresultInthis meeting ,whether Yuan Futong ,or really conform to reality ,are very cautious didn the ancient home of things .
As Lianshen order of friars, and a mastery in the body, it conform to reality in Yuan Rong mountain is very high status ,may not know that Yuan Futong and ancient family conflicts ,nature also know Yuan Futong this attitude change reason .
To really conform to reality ,it is more important to Yuan Futong ,but they work in just ways and the ancient home of confrontation is not wise ,and Yuan Futong expressed sincere .Also not enough to really conform to reality to help Yuan Futong on this part of the pressure .
relationresultButfor Yuan Futong, and true character real cooperation is to improve their situation ,Yuan Futong himself did not hire oneself out to mean ,so now don the ancient home of things .
As long as they show enough sincerity and value ,in Yuan Rong mountain internal resolution, it conform to reality of this line of human nature will speak for themselves .relationresultBack to thecave ,Yuan Futong began playing in the hands of two Fu zhuan .
Can be really conform to reality as a gift to send out ,this character not broken free growth policy character that can readily available with fragrance .In this two Fu Zhuan ,a giant rune, that when Yuan Futong had spent great price bought that a character seal .
Because Yuan Futong quickly advanced to the God of late ,really conform to reality that Yuan Futong has a giant Rune use ,so this time he gave Yuan Futong a ,for Yuan Futong will impact Lianshen when using .
relationresultIn addition tothe giant rune ,another character and is a doubles match .As the name suggests ,the Fu Zhuan is the role of the friars to encounter deadly when, instead of monks under the attack to the monks ,a chance to live .
In fact, because the monks for their own life value .This means death for generation in casual circles is very common .Many monks like on the function of the supernatural .Before Yuan Futong in the Jin ,Yuan Ying period when frequently used two places at one time, have such a function .
relationresultBut thatmeans although many ,but there are some limitations .Especially with the friars quality rank promotion, fighting object strength surge ,this means the less useful . Related articles:

