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Hoarse dumb voice, the double eye in a twinkling shuts up, the body falls to drop down and gets into the purple light regiment of surrounding the thunder Gang.
It is to feel small Cape to seem to, been one Zhan by the thunder Gang that the thunder covers with body in sky.
Is far at millions in outside of swallow evil forest.
"Roar …"
A few time immemorial of"Ao …" are fierce to the voice of suddenly and violently roaring of the monster to resound through the whole evil forest of swallowing, while the innumerable work properly a monster, a body trembles of the crouch is in the ground, don't dare to move, ten Tao Kuang long grasses from swallow evil forest projection, wildly fly but go to toward the blood jail central part.
"Si Pa ……" one Be clear and crisp huge to loudly resound through world, the whole blood jail are all of an earthquake.Five lines of self-disciplines in pagodas of the city of Di Nue all are waked up with a start, a body disappears at first.But a , the grey hair is in great disorder, holds an and raises head the sky to tiny the old man of dark big scissors in, the face is tiny to move, mumbling way:"Well strange boy."Suddenly, old man's body is one earthquake, the face unexpectedly has some to have muscular spasms,beats by dre australia, mumbling way:"How may?How may?They …come?"Immediately, the old man's body rapid disappearance is at first.
"Bomb …" the 65th day thunder bombs however splits bottom.The heart of the self-discipline s already numbness, an is inwardly frightened in the heart, this Du robs of person haven't died?Does this terrible sky of thunder unexpectedly still don't disappear?…Really don't die?How may?Can being thus terrible sky of to rob to have several people spend?
The heart of worry knife already numbness.
"Is very terrible sky of to rob, worry old elder brother, you teacher ……" Di Nue pensively gets up and sinks track, body and worry knife continuously fall back, the sky at this time in of rob cloud to make them two to all feel more the Wei pressing.
Suddenly, 2 people once the facial expression change and see toward the east at the same time.
At this time, ten Tao Kuang long grasses are rapid to shoot from the horizon, the 2 people facial expression greatly changes and mutually sees one eye, and the worry knife steps an one step more and stares at front chillily.
Being fierce to the voice of the rant of monster is deafening for"roar …" a time immemorial, ten Tao Kuang regiments unexpectedly, unexpectedly under the public and matchless scare change rock matchless and huge time immemorial fierce monster.
"Absorb …" an absorbed an air conditioner, the facial expression pallor shockedly looking at is individual type huge and matchless fierce monsters.The overwhelming majority were also corner of mouths to overflow a blood, thus the terrible Wei certainly makes them annoy blood ebullition.Connect worry war, and several backsets of the elders all scares of the city of Di Nue, true spirit cover, Gang spirit cover coagulate whole body, even someone presented to work properly a machine to see toward burst upon in the sky of the fierce monster of ten terror.
"Roar …" is again that one is huge to roar, a fierce monster to change magically ten old men, ten several old man's bodies rise and fall and then arrived at worry knife and Di Nue is nearby.
"Ten way friends don't know to come what matter!"Worry knife double the eyes relentless stare at ten old men, face in contain the color of alert, perhaps only ten old men are further walking, the worry knife then will become mad.
The old man leading the way, cool double of saw an eye worry of knife, cold way:"Gang emperor Huang Jie, small generation, do you want to obstruct the step that I wait by two Gang emperor Huang Jie?"
2 people of worry knife and Di Nue are frightened of mutually see one eye, this old man unexpectedly an eye then saw to ownly fix for?This old man …
"Elder generation, this is me teacher the Du rob, so, I dare to die to can't make you left for interference, either!"Worry knife voice the tough and matchless way is at this final reckoning and burst upon the ten and the strong, how don't let worry knife heart vigilance and alert?
Ten old man double eyes but is to don't looking at worry knife and Di Nue, but the purple light regiment that saw first front, the old man lead the way, mumbling way:"Small Cape …in that thunder!!"
The p first first says with everyone more bottom, tomorrow Mid-Autumn Festival, the old man wishes an everyone's happiness first for Mid-Autumn Festival here and estimates till the 26th, the renewal in everyday only have two more, the old man wants will old house, keep grandpa's grandmother company, their age old, Ai …everyone please understand
Chapter 210 absolute being dragon
Small Cape?Worry knife and Di Nue hear a full face of this black hair the crease old man's words one Leng not only, worry knife eyebrows tiny wrinkly way:"Elder generation, not the small Cape that you say BE?"The worry knife has no because these aged of strong but hold in high esteem, the tone remains tough and matchless.
These ten old men are exactly ten fairy monsters that swallow evil forest, the black hair old man is exactly that the gold is burning.The words that hear worry knife, the gold blazes of the double eyes stare at front, but is don't see one eye worry knife, but the gold is nearby burning of night Yan but is a pair of eyes on staring, irascible way:"Small generation, we seek who, seeking of your tube?Is little at my Ai matter, if small Cape what matter, the old man wanted your life!"
The worry knife face has muscular spasms, but is also know isn't explosion of, suppress an endocentric fury, the double eyes stare night Yan, while the Di Nue comes out at this time and says with smile:"A few elder generations.Didn't call here small Cape of, only the Du robs of thunder Gang."
The gold is burning to slowly become overdo, see toward the way of Di Nue;"You know why thunder Gang Du's robbing will appear thus strange appearance?Like this of the sky rob is what Gang king can pass through?"
"Elder generation, do you know thunder Gang?"Di Nue not only one Leng, interrogative way.
The gold is burning double the eyes tightly stare at Di Nue, after half ring, way:"Are you the person of Di house?"
The Di Nue is one Zheng, double the eyes are full is apprehensive of looking at a gold burning, way:"I am a Di Nue.Elder generation ……think my person of Di house?"
"What person is the Di earthquake you?The old man feels there is his breathing on your body …"the gold is slowly burning way.But the face of Di Nue have been almost stagnant, the full face can not believe of looking at a gold burning, shocked way:"Elder generation …do you know my father?"
"Is the gold elder generation you?" The voice of a vicissitudes of life ring out at this time, the voice clips to take the tremolo of matchless concussion.The old man of a full head in great disorder grey hair appears in the Di Nue nearby, the double eyes concussion matchlessly looking at a gold burning.
"Is the Di green?"The gold is burning to apprehensive of looking at to burst upon of grey hair old man, have some don't dare to make sure of way.
The old man whom"gold elder generation, has never thought … have never thought, the Di is green and lucky to also sees you, night elder generation, tree elder generation, blue elder generation ……" bursts upon acquaints with to matchlessly yell ten old men.The vision concussion is matchless.
The face of Di Nue is tiny to move, looking at old man's way of in great disorder grey hair:"Green uncle, do you know them?"
"Mix Zhang, Nue son, these ten elder generations is the lifesavers of the Di earthquake of your father, if there is no their 10 people, can't have you, either, these ten elder generations is my big benefactors of Di house."Old man's face changes seriously to get up and sinks a track.
"They …BE …is what father says??"The body of Di Nue is one earthquake, the double eyes shockedly looking at a gold to blaze 10 people.See after old man order nod, the Di Nue deeply absorbed tone, way:"The Di Nue once sees ten elder generations!!"
"Like, at this time not is say this matter of, have never thought at the beginning I swallow a small snake of evil forest also changes of thus strong."Gold burning double of eyes in peeped out to sigh of color.
The city of Di Nue, and several everyones live, the elders of the city of Di Nue, an apprehensives to thousand times looking at to burst upon of 10 people, and that touching of the grey hair middle age man's concussion kind, recognizing is the person of Di Nue is also a full face gape, Di Nue …will such concussion?What person are these 10 people exactly?Is old at parent of Di after death, have several hundred guests Qing elder, two among those, full face lookinging at of pallor ten gold in old men are burning, vision in full is the color of awe, these 2 people would be at the beginning go to Long Lin Tuan's Liu Yu and Li Zhen.
But rest of more is that the Di that interrogatively looking at that in great disorder grey hair is green, isn't this old man five lines of old mans of pagoda self-discipline flower flower and grass grasses?Does the identity settle not and generally?Many guests Qing elder all secretly regretfuleply why did he or she at the beginning don't beat a good relation with him.
"The Di is green to has today, luckily the love and esteem of the elder generations!"The Di is green full face polite way.
The gold blazed to order after noding, the double eyes again see forward square huge purple light regiment.
The voice of "bomb …" deafening roll of thunder continuously rings out, the Wei in the sky presses to add more terrible, the together purple thunder and lightning again declines bottom, bombard purple light regiment on, but light the regiment again become big for several cents, in squeeze of the dint of thunder in the sky make public Related articles:

