
monster beats ites leader shy r

The reverse face .Vigil mayor and then added .relationresultThe system prompts: do you accept the task exterminate the termites nest !relationresultThank you Vergil mayor ,I have a look into the nest ! , relationresultVigiltasks have been issued ,it looks like there is no continued meaning ,task information is assigned is completed, then all his things .
relationresultFromthe house, to go outside the village .Xiao Hua saw the villagers saw him ,is still sparkle shrink appearance, it is not the task to finish ,is not to connect the second tasks .
relationresultFrom the village,Xiao Hua immediately called a Chocobo ,climb to the Chocobo body, Chocobo then ran up to the west ,the Chocobo behind .Pulling up a long yellow dust .relationresultThe termites .
Look like very much, the Queen situation is not clear ,looking for the alchemist not only have to spend a lot of time ,but did not get ,also has the certain risk ,should spend a lot of time to find the guy ,even with medicament .
The task is to fail to Vigil mayor words ,Xiao Hua in the brain thought .relationresultTo have a look first to the termite nest case ,anyway, just a few minutes ,good luck ,monster beats.Find tips ,might not need to find the alchemist ,can save a lot of time ! Xiao Hua soon had decided ,two hours is not much, can say that passed in a flash .
Of course, to be saved ,but this * * bare experience !relationresultInthe opening half an hour in a Chocobo best run under .Xiao Hua only spent less than twenty minutes ,far to see .In a piece of sand ,convex with a large white sand shale .
relationresultThesand shale is very conspicuous ,in the burning sun ,even reflected a dazzling white, but in a long time under the expose to the weather ,sand shale surface weathering is already very serious ,many places are made from white sands from above the slide into the sand .
relationresultXiao Hua soonfrom the giant sand shale feet found a two or three meter high entrance ,the entrance .Beginning to think there is darkness, but after a while ,a habit, Xiao Hua gradually see the hole .
The ground did not imagine Xiao Hua ,with a large number of termite surging ,it seems the village the termites and not coming out of the cave ,but otherwise dedicated channels .relationresultThego ,hole in the light but gradually bright ,two or three minutes later ,Xiao Hua went to the cave in the center .
relationresultCavecentre to a radius of forty or fifty meters ,the huge four basin ,which scattered with twenty white giant ants ,ants in the Great Basin middle ,intermediate slightly convex ,crawled a such as sand Mantis general giant red ants ,see to it that the queen is !relationresultSecondmore , relationresultThe 207th chapter scarlet queen , relationresultBasin.
Twenty ,termites were open .And mostly distributed in to find him pool with .Recent and intermediate queen also has a few meters distance .Xiao Hua look ,estimation can be a were killed ,and then try to deal with the queen .
relationresultNow the entirecopy of Xiao Hua ,Xiao Hua felt that the system is not as to let him deal with a group of termite leader, unless the group leader is termite look impressive but lack real worth ,otherwise the task can not complete or must find the alchemist .
relationresultXiao Hua immediatelyis the action of a curtain ,called false image ,so as to leave a recent termite who walked past .Control of the false image ,make false image as close as possible to the termite termite leader and leader ,when the distance is a distance of six or seven meters ,a good network can use the identification of the range ,termite leader perceive false action .
Immediately the Hexapod move together ,agile agile quickly climbed up .relationresultTermiteleader warning limits appears to be very narrow ,Xiao Hua little careful ,respectively twenty termite killing is entirely possible .
relationresultThe identification offake like a cloud to termite head body .Xiao Hua see termites leader information data .Not a sound is well !relationresultTermite:field .In four ,def 4, physical attack dan .
Guchikawa Guchi is a bit long, but the physical defense is very low ,it does not need a long time !Xiao Hua is now on the body in replacing the two von level blue dress ,agile property has been reached ,a second can already shot four to five attack ,an attack off rib with .
Crit is off the field ,more than 0, according to the five attack crit two probability ,so low defense ,his second can remove 4 four to four one hundred thousand rib ,rib ,but is also a minute !This is not a poisoned poisonous ,infinite stack ,crit venom as well as false as injuries ,real computation ,even thirty seconds are not ,can kill a termite leader !relationresultThink ofthis ,Xiao Hua immediately rushed toward the termites .
relationresultAlthough thingssimple, he felt a strange .But now there !relationresultFalselike pulling termite head back ,Xiao Hua is greeted, intended to pull the termite leader hatred ,let fake like help .
relationresultXiao Hua hands of theQueen with a plurality ,light and accurate Bai Guangluo in termite head body .Termite head leading subsequently on several green light injury .relationresultBut this is onlythe green poison damage ,red common injury Lu is not one !This is the mulberry ,apparently Xiao Hua attack is not broken against !relationresultHave a problem!The termite leader seems to have a special resistance to physical attacks !relationresultXiaoHua array surprised ,immediately let false image continued to back away ,and then in the heart of calculation is only with a poisoned and infinite stack of poison ,want to consume one hundred thousand old ,need how long .
relationresultThe expert levelpoisoned ,point out the old time ,small stacking time ,and his power is now ,agile advised ,infinite stack poison each attack off ugly rib .Two poison damage a combined ,Xiao Hua found or hurt the very considerable ,up to when, each attack can deduct termite leader nearly jumping rib !Of course ,if he lucky enough not to be interrupted in the middle ,and attack !relationresultAcomputer .
Xiao Hua realized that even old million rib .He may also just minutes to kill termites leader ,he immediately with the Queen continues to termite leader bitter thorn down !As for the false image ,Xiao Hua is going to let it wait ,he put the termite leader feels almost, and let it come to help ,but after all, fake like three minutes to call again .
relationresultIn peacetime,Xiao Hua does not feel to have problems, but now seize every minute and second ,three minutes is a long time .If no special termite leader to leave like great harm .
In the false image he kill the termites .Time will be greatly reduced .relationresultThe termites .It is no special place . For more than 10 seconds termite attack leader action is quite satisfactory, although a powerful attack ,attack is much higher than Xiao Hua data ,but just like no away hatred .
In the absence of strange skills situations, but nothing to be feared .relationresultNo.These termites leader has a problem really, transfusion speed too fast !Even if the false like help ,not five minutes and don want to kill a ! To make false like come to help ,but Xiao Hua immediately aware of the real problem !relationresultHehas been attacked more than ten seconds ,in principle ,how can also kill termite leader of nearly 10000 rib .
But now the termite head lead on blood; but by the astonishing speed recovery !relationresultWhenXiao Hua just feel like termites leader shy restore a little faster speed only, but the
next leader of the rib is off the termites are much more quickly ,recovery rate !To fell nearly ten thousand ,actually as if by treatment in general surgery, in order to speed recovery,
visible to the naked eye !relationresultHaloeffect !relationresultCombinationattacks can not be broken defense ,termite attack than the actual leader identification must be high, plus the abnormal Related articles:

