
www.headphones-fashion.com lead how long the

How long has it been since way oneself's dish sits here, thunder Gang knows to make oneself grind teeth to insist, strong line of let oneself's brains get into blank.
Whole body of the scar being torn to pieces by the waterfalls is more and more big, thunder Gang face of blood-red color slowly draw off.
"Bomb ……" suddenly, the thunder Gang feels his/her own brain in seems to explode general, too late do the reaction of serving as, feels at present a black, pour the small river under the waterfalls in.
Don't realize mistake how long, put a Buddha to lead for a day, a year, decade, and then put a Buddha for time forever stay around this for an instant.
The thunder Gang is awake, suddenly, thunder Gang Leng, the thunder Gang discovers that oneself is placed in a world of blank and descends a moment, the thunder Gang puts a Buddha to encounter to five thunders to bomb a crest generally, frightened of the detection oneself's body unexpectedly already ……become white with big fist light regiment, die?Did oneself die?Would this white light regiment be his/her own soul?Isn't the elder generation that listens to a village inside to say, is the person clay-cold soul achromatic why own is white?The thunder Gang heart scare is thousand times.
Lei Gang wants that but discovers that oneself basically can not move, oneself becomes big light regiment of this fist to stay around so the world inside of this blank to move.The thunder Gang is shocked in the heart at this time and is frightened, heart bottom is also regretfuleply oneself why want dish to sit to let the brain get into blank under the waterfalls to, at this time, regret all also too late.
Not!!This must be a dream, oneself must be in a dream.Thunder Gang comforter oneself, unexpectedly and again got into soundly asleep.
Don't know and lead how long, the white become by thunder Gang light suddenly one Zhan, the thunder Gang wakes up from the soundly asleep, or so observation, the heart bottom is one Zhan, oneself still keeps being placed in a blank world!!Thunder Gang thoroughly foolish wood, the thunder Gang wants to cry, at this time of frightened and will distinguish forever with elder brother, before suffer of injustice, continuously return to put in this a moment.
Suddenly, the thunder Gang breaks out unprecedented power and spare no effort of flounce, suddenly, white light the regiment unexpectedly float before going toward.
The thunder Gang heart surprise thousand times, oneself …can move?The despair that is original, putting the Buddha is to let the thunder Gang find out a wood in the ocean, thunder Gang afresh combustion have to hope, thunder Gang try very hard to of visit, light regiment continuously of float before going toward, put a Buddha to want to float this blank of world.
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Chapter 4 four colourful spaces
The thunder Gang doesn't know to float how long, but discovered this blanked world putting a Buddha that being infinite is big, oneself all anyway can not flounce this blank of world.But the thunder Gang didn't give up, the thunder Gang believed as long as oneself continuously float and settle however can escape this blank world.Return to reality in, the thunder Gang thinks the eldest brother thunder is evil to return to seek their himself/herselfs, then be full of endless power over several annual conventions.
The thunder Gang doesn't know that the Qing dint floated how long, tiny let thunder Gang surprise of BE, oneself puts a Buddha to have endless strength, basically not tired general.
Suddenly, the thunder Gang discovered that the blank world of front unexpectedly has a bowl big but have four colourful whirlpools of gold color,www.headphones-fashion.com, red, yellow and blue, this lets thunder Gang the heart is jubilantly happy, again explosion spare no effort of visit to go crazily before going toward, but frightened of discover oneself at this time basically coulds not visit generally, put the Wei that the Buddha sends forth to put Buddha Mount Taishan to press a sort from these four colourful whirlpools to press, oneself basically can not visit.
But, the thunder Gang knows that these four colorful whirlpools are perhaps the only way that oneself escapes this blank world, how will give up?Lei Gang insists that the unremitting Qing makes an effort to visit.Although the speed floating slowly can neglect, , remain is fore enter, this lets thunder Gang the heart was excited, full of power more, the side visits at the same time, thunder Gang heart is also frightened.
Don't know and lead how long, the thunder Gang finally visited these four colourful whirlpools of close to district in the center, and these four colourful ray of lights unexpectedly wore deeply their own bodies ……let his/her own white ray of light unexpectedly also clip to take four colourful ray of lights.
When the thunder Gang visited the center of whirlpool of, suddenly feel a ferocious vacuum force, inhaled oneself the center of this four colourful whirlpools.
When the thunder Gang again opens a pair of eyes of, but discover that oneself is placed in a world of four colors, the thunder Gang is foolish to foolishly float in this world, conjecture on all sides.The thunder Gang doesn't know to use what phrase language to describe the world of this four colors,is a fairyland here?Thinking of thunder Gang heart doubt way.
Very long after, arrive at these four thunder gangs in the colourful worlds to finally wide awake, discover oneself hasn't returned to reality and then continue of visit, but the big originally white fist light regiment unexpectedly contain light four colourful ray of lightses at this time, the thunder Gang continues in these four colourful spaces inside drift.
Don't realize mistake how long again, the thunder Gang suddenly stopped visiting, if the thunder Gang has a pair of eyes at this time must be stare of roll a staring at of circle front.
Thunder Gang of right ahead, unexpectedly and ambiguously present one personal shadow, the thunder Gang heart bottom on trembling, this …this is exactly a person is a ghost?Deliberation very long after, the thunder Gang heart scare of toward the shadow of human figure of front visit in the past, the thunder Gang knew, afraid of oneself want to leave this space, this person should in aid of he or she, after experiencing a difference, the thunder Gang is gradual maturity, steady weigh.
More visit toward the front, the heart of thunder Gang is then more shocked, even frightened, the thunder Gang unexpectedly discovers the front isn't only to is one personal shadow, accurately say is this person's hand, feet be pulled and dragged by several things of cordage sorts.
Here exactly is which?These four colourful worlds exactly is what where?And, this is artificial what be "bind"ed here?Lei Gang wanted to think and suppressed endocentric scare and bumed before continuing into.
Don't know to visit how long, the thunder Gang suddenly and again saw put forward, suddenly, if the thunder Gang encounters a thunder, frightened in the heart of the feeling almost let the thunder Gang take to the heels and then run.Sees, the thunder Gang Shu wears a giant, but this person's body figure unexpectedly than still have to be high in Tashan in the thunder sword village front.
The thunder Gang originally wants to escape, the this person terrible body figure then lets thunder Gang the heart fear, the thunder Gang is just just a 11-year-old kid at this time, the ability didn't collapse in the blank world is already a miracle, at this time, face thus a huge person, the thunder Gang grinds teeth to warn himself/herself, oneself wants to return to reality, so have to get to live giant of this pass.For having a reunion with elder brother, the thunder Gang makes every effort to suppress heart of fear, continue to visit, shut an eye to continue to visit.
Suddenly, the thunder Gang again opens a pair of eyes, foolish foolishly hope front, at this time, what thunder Gang sees isn't that giant, but …that hands that lead long to pull giant, "cordage" of double feet, just station's four cordages in distance, but at this time, the thunder Gang is frightened of discover, just was still a cordage, at this time unexpectedly is …unexpectedly is ……dragon.
Didn't listen to less the dragon, rumours that the elder in the village describes in the thunder sword village thunder Gang, dragon, is ancient absolute being monster, strong matchless, stir up trouble, ruin a sky more to put out a ground of omnipotent, the original thunder Gang just once saw in the portrait, shrimp eye, antler and cow mouth, dog nose and Nian beard, lion Zong and snake tail, fish scale and eagle claw, but at this time, unexpectedly …unexpectedly and livingly saw, and, an also not only absolute being dragon, but ……livelong 4!And still the color is four different absolute being dragons.
The gold color, yellow, red, purple, the absolute being dragon in exactly four kinds of colors!
The thunder Gang heart thoroughly shivered, frightened of looking at these four absolute being dragons, almost have never knelt ground to worship, in the heart is more shocked thousand times, what person is this giant exactly?Unexpectedly drive …drive four absolute being dragons bites at??
Rightness!!The giant is bitten at, four absolute being dragons unexpectedly open big mouth and bite at hands and double feet of this giant respectively, and putting the Buddha has to divide the corpse to this giant five horses.!!But four absolute being dragons put the Buddha spreads from the horizon, basically could not see its end tip.
The thunder Gang is foolish to foolishly float over there, looking at front this is good enough to shocked whole axis field of appearance.
The thunder Gang absorbed an air conditioner and endured the impulse that the heart wants to run, again visited before going toward and floated toward the giant.
When the thunder Gang attains the foot of giant of, if thunder Gang at this time still**, afraid of heart of shocked will let the heart all jump out.
This grand view that is how impressive-looking, the thunder Gang floats this to bite at giant Related articles:

