
Facebook of Lin Feng Ti and a

Eyebrow not aware of self horizontal Xuan next, inwardly wonder, thought some kind of, dark way:"Gather the ten greatest fairies middleman in the door hereat, you exactly want to do what, with the fairy believe in ten for enemy, only afraid even if is fairies must think thrice."
Lin Feng really cans not figure out to have who have a so big skill evil tower in the town of the sword destroy, also the ability delivers this news to the fairy to believe in in ten ears of middlemen in momentary at the same time, this person's real strenght can be said to be strong to make people think of and then feel asphyxiation.
At this time, evil tower in the town in can say to is to remit to gather all superiors, even have many existences that is long to living a superior, after all the evil tower broken up matter in town will relate to the whole consolations of worlds,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, even being the whole fairy doorses will destine to no longer have hospice, if true bluish green the Lei put out, only afraid boundaries in the sky all want to encounter to a calamity that is historic difficult to meet ……
Lin Feng isn't stupid, result like this he early thoughts of, even he starts doubting to go to heaven as a fairy Li Bi Tian in door to have been already come early in the morning, is incubating in a certain place.
Certainly, in addition to Li Bi Tian, there is also the arrival of many true oral tradition pupils, just is to isn't a meeting to impermanent Ji, but Lin Feng isn't very clear, because this person turn over book as turning over a face, the matters of world all seem to don't relate to with him, so with Lin Feng currently to his understand, really is to don't know that he will can't come, but Lin Feng can also affirm, D Ling absolutely here.
Is quite good, Li Bi Tian and D lings all came, Ji was impermanent to also come, at receive evil tower sword of town is broken of time, many true oral tradition pupils have been already come, just the nobody knows that their existence is just.
Certainly is long to give birth to a superior to rush through come of don't only go to heaven as a fairy a door, the fairy believes in ten all have already sent own long give birth to a superior, because this can really isn't what small matter.
These people aren't stupid, Lin Feng can thought of of matter they are impossibly surprisingly, so they couldn't be like naturally to once show off city inside pupil in the door that sort.
In fact, these are all long to give birth to superiors at this time fixing of oneself in order to conceal, because they all clear, here but remit to gather fairy to believe in ten superiors, have a little bit carelessly, will expose own real strenght, if that has sudden circumstance, will seem to be very passive.
Though these people all fix in order to hide, oneself also Lin Feng can feel to get to send forth in these people of strong breathing, but Lin Feng don't know only his a person can attain here, he thinks these people all know mutually and run about under become more very careful.
At this time, Lin Feng wants to do now of the matter is to find out Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Lin's glory quickly they, because have the existence to grow to living a superior so more, for they inside these persons who are just magical power secret places of door pupil come to say, no matter who can say is be placed in of life and death front lines.
Lin Feng's title saw a next sky, the sky black cloud repeatedly seethed at this time, the mysterious big beginning covering with the whole evil tower in town slowly circulates, rising straight from the ground of post a root originally tumble down down, the height has the preface ground the alignment to open.
"Exactly is who there is a so big ability believing in the fairy ten all remitting to gather here."Lin Feng thinks, that unfamiliar man's figure slowly prints to go into again his brain inside, however he is to slightly shake a head, dark way:"Will never be him, he fixs for although Gao Dao is outrageous,Gao Dao still has no ability to believe in fairy ten people all trap at here."
Lin Feng more wants more suspicious fearfulness of feeling this matter, sword eyebrow again unbearable Xuan descend, from the language way:"……"
Lin Feng suddenly thoughts of one to make he shocked fact, a burst of Zhan Li in heart gets up and immediately and hurriedly displays to appear lost in thought to falsely fly a step and keeps forward a square to flee to go out.
Even feel Lin Feng at this time heart next tiny Zhan bottom, he also no longer takes care of to exist on all sides of superior, he want to keep forward the square rushes through to go and find out Lin Rong Lin positive they, then leave together.
Suddenly, Lin Feng turned 1 turn and unexpectedly discovered and returned to order at first, Lin Feng sees those post that acquainted with, not from must beat one cold Zhan, stood down a while, small and soft observe some kind of, dark way:"Being not good is someone to want to intentionally impede this young master, who is this person exactly?"
Lin Feng just thinking wear, feel a burst of breathing keep toward oneself and wildly flow out since then, Lin Feng immediately a surprised, dark shouted a sentence:"Come again."
That spirit strength that this jet of gas vigorously was Lin Feng to feel last night, for this spirit strength, Lin Feng Xin in have grow is very familiar felling, seemed to be over there to touch to once touch generally.
Suddenly, is annoying a strength moment near Lin Feng, Lin Feng suddenly thought of battlefield outside the area of scenario, immediately feel whole bodies all a burst of ice-cold, dark way:"See come to this is someone to have to kill this young master to come."
Lin Feng wanted to rise the sword of that handle yellow in the heart, sword spirit a while overflow in addition to body, at this time, the whole individual like the existence of the one handle sword, whole body top and bottom all deeply wear the sword long grass in gold yellow.
The spirit for flowing out vigorously and just touches to run into the sword long grass out of Lin Feng Ti and all in a twinkling disappears to disappear, but Lin Feng obviously feel breathing drive he obscurely the absorption dropped.
Lin Feng is inwardly tiny surprised, quiet view heart bottom, not from must sneer at under, dark way:"You are this guy, indeed as expected some meaning, the disaster blessing mutually depends on, ha ha, before you can not control this young master, this young master depended on you first ……"
Suddenly, after Lin Feng just dropped that breathing absorption, the post on all sides a while seem a certain strength of quilt operate similar, like one handle handle long knife, again like one handle handle benefit sword, all over the place the sort keeps to fly to oneself.
These post although it is said not heavy, but 12,000 catties of still certain, and have several of many, like a full sky of arrows rain.
Lin Feng sees, the fist tightly kneaded for a while and bring up feet then made an effort Deng next ground, moment, the whole earths all sway to move, at the same time double the arm is a , on two wrists of protect wrist to send forth two golden light a while, those haven't closed to the post on his body a while and all stop in the sky, these gold color the ray of light generally tie up to round on the post like the lines.
"Absolute being A ……" the first-time Lin Feng use absolute being A, have never thought absolute being AN unexpectedly like this big power, so connecting him a while is all shocked by himself next, dark way:"Indeed as expected severe, not the Kui is ancient absolute being A."

The text chapter 173 shocking war
The fragrance of books house renews time:2012-2-2710:54:01 chapter word numbers:2516

Just the moment in Lin Feng delight, he unexpectedly has already grown a felling, seeming can feel oneself seem to can at will operate absolute being A, he tiny Leng under, the hands mutual interleave revolves a several, those airs are in the sky held up by golden light to round of the post is inside out a while, for an instant, those post top spread the sound of a burst of ground crack.
Pa Pa Pa ……
Pa Pa Pa ……
Is a burst of huge to ring, just be still big such as 12,000 catties of heavy posts all become fragment a while.
See this, Lin Feng Xin's bottom relaxed under, protected the ray of light of absolute being AN of wrist to stop down, however is a full sky of in, the post of those ground crack didn't keep on fallening off, is seem to have a certain strength to prop up.
Lin Feng Wei Leng next, dark way:"What is the row?"
When Lin Feng wonders, those fragments suddenly continue to keep to fly to Lin Feng again, this time, true and a full sky of rain fell to have no where is the difference.
Suddenly, Lin Feng is frightened next, because at like raindrop fall in of fragment in seem to be still to mix up with one personal shadow, though look in the eyes well such as he, he still can not see that figure pure in the moment.
Lin Feng like forty Deng for a while ground, the earth again seethes, body as leaving the arrows of Xian kept to fly to go out to the air, at this time, he is already a sword long grass body, in order to prevent have a person to secretly make a surprise attack, with each one step, he is very careful.
Lin Feng just left Gao of the ground five Zhangs, those fragments all as sharping knife all flood in Lin Feng's body however the place of two Chinese feet, however these fragments seem be inhibitted by the sword long grass out of Lin Feng Ti, so all stopped down a while.
At this time, that shadow of human figure just at with the speed of the lightning flash sort close to Lin Feng, so he basically there is no superfluous time deliberating and just stopped to drop down in those fragments of, Lin Feng's arm along the body around drew a curve, those fragment moment pour to fly to return to, all unexpectedly generally keep like the huge sword toward that figure but go.
Lin Feng is been as one pleases by he or she a recruit to shocked bottom, in fact just he doesn't know just at present, the sword works properly of severe place, not only can protect a body, but also can also

