
http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc good !relationresul

Can well again ,and they didn ,the body of a shrinking back to the carriage .relationresultThe wheelhub to rotate the carriage rumbling ,fast gallop ,cold wind blowing in the face cut like a knife ,Pei Yuanshao was blown eyes narrowed eyes flash ,helpless ,this ghost weather, it is to let people hate .
relationresultWhen I call you the dark sky ,the wind blowing, blowing the dust .relationresultSand sand sand ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , relationresultA gust of windblowing ,a myriad of dust .Suddenly ,Pei Yuanshao is a galloping horse face feels a cold .
relationresultIt ! Pei Yuanshao with a sigh ,not to place it rained heavily ,it is travel adversely !Bean big rain down from the sky, twinkling of an eye, a mist from the ground rises ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc,heave rain splashed down on the ground ,a cloud of dust coming to us, rain and fog foggy .
Huge water makes the front sight is blurred ,Pei Yuanshao clothes had been wetted by rainwater ,at this time Pei Yuanshao also did not get wet clothes ,kept urging horses run fast .relationresultI came to call , relationresultPei Yuanshaoyuanlooks far, see the side of the road ,an old temple stands in the rain .
relationresultThe templewas ruined, gable collapsed ,was almost in ruins ,but can still be used to shelter from the rain .relationresultPei Yuanshao willcoach travel to the temple gate ,Wang Can from the carriage down ,a sprint ,quickly ran into the Taoist temple .
With Wang Can out of the carriage ,Pei Yuanshao pull of horses ,horse placed beside a will ,and to give the horse ready herbivorous ,it went to temples inside for shelter .relationresultThis place really is sparsely populated, with few people ,everywhere is a spider web .
, relationresultWang Canmuttered a sound ,picked up a stick ,the temple inside the spider net clean .Pei Yuanshao came in ,Wang Can along with the clear temple ,both with more than half an hour, it will be in the hall clean, also find a thick straw on the ground as a bed .
relationresultNow~ ~ ~ , relationresultIn the hall,Pei Yuanshao pulled out his flare ,and from the Taoist temple collected dry sticks ,lit a bonfire ,suddenly ,fire a red flame constantly scurrying around .
relationresultWang Canrubbed his cold hands ,body near the campfire ,feel the fire department came into a warm ,only comfortable many ,looked like the soaked through general Pei Yuanshao ,Wang Can said: this old Pei ,so cold weather ,it is easy to catch cold ,you get wet clothes off ,a new set of .
, relationresultPeiYuanshao well again ,three two to put on a suit of clothes .Then put the wet clothes on fire baking on a stick .After that, Pei Yuanshaocai removed from the package would have prepared cake ,were given some sent to the hands of Wang Can, and then from the burden of a pot of wine ,I smiled ,as he ate the bread and wine .
relationresultPei Yuanshao watchedhis eating his bread ,wine, Wang Can raised a bit envious heart .relationresultPei Yuanshao,a simple man ,although simple ,but live alone ,be light of heart from care ,this day is still good, but the idea of moment Wang Can was down, he has embarked on a path of their choice ,there is no back room ,in addition to strain every nerve forward ,or desperately to punch .
relationresultWang Canyea bite of bread, laughed : Lao Pei ,a wine you can drink, give me a drink ! , relationresultPeiYuanshao scratched his head, said: I think this is not you don ? , relationresultIn fact,Wang Can has come through two months of the time, is indeed the truth ,because Wang Can wants to keep a clear head .
relationresultWang Can took thecup, smiled and said: although drinking villain ,occasionally drink can be . , relationresultGudonggudong,Wang Can cup alignment mouth ,gulps drank, and then the cup to Pei Yuanshao ,who immediately spirits ,a heat flow from the stomach rises ,who feel a lot of warm .
relationresultWine ,sweet wine ! , relationresultEven as Wang Canjug to Pei Yuanshao, a thin somewhat frail youth came in ,young high nose kept up ,a pair of clever eyes around ,kept looking at Wang Can and the Pei Yuanshao two people .
Youth stared at Pei Yuanshao cup, unconscious body in Pei Yuanshao comes, eyes with delight ,that look like see babes undressing in general .relationresultYouthHei hei laugh ,go to the fire and sat down .
relationresultHe reachedhis forehead on the wet hair, eyes fell upon Pei Yuanshao ,smiled and said: it is very cold, damn it ,I began to heave rain ,ah ,are soaked through ,the eldest brother ,I was covered by rain, cold and hungry, can not let me drink wine ,warm body .
Youth body near the fire ,rubbed his hands together ,look forward to look to Pei Yuanshao .relationresultPei Yuanshaomissed a beat ,very reluctant .relationresultHealso loved wine ,but do not want to own the good stuff to youth .
relationresultWang Canlooked at the young eyes ,feel very abrupt .The young man to his feeling very casual ,like running ripe ,but the young eyes are clear and bright eyes ,look be neither humble nor pushy ,with confidence ,talk casually ,but word tone can make people feel very comfortable .
relationresultThe young manis good !relationresultWang Canhearts as the evaluation is over ,nodded ,looking to Pei Yuanshao : Pei ,meet is the fate ,and the brothers body orifices, if catch a cold is not good ,you are to take a bottle of wine, and then get some bread to him, fasting drink has hurt the body ,is this bread and drinking ,harmful to the body not so big .
Paused, Wang Can added: from my burden which takes a set of clean clothes to him for it . , relationresultSir ,do you ? , relationresultPei Yuanshaowas a sound with a puzzled ,eye color, is a suffering ,be so good to him .
But see Wang Can poor vision, Pei Yuanshao shrinkage head ,reluctant to from the burden of took a jug of wine and bread to the youth ,and then from Wang Can baggage out a suit of clothes ,handed to the young hands ,hum : you luck ,meet my young master .
, relationresultWang Can sawPei Yuanshao ,shook his head .relationresultNo matter at presentwhat is youth identity ,but go out in the outside ,who can not embarrassed, can support a help to .
relationresultThe first volumeof Ru Huang chapter twenty-fifth prodigal son Guo Jia , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2011-7-15 11:57:47 chapter number :3352 , relationresultThe rainfalls ,the next stop .
relationresultIn the hall,the red fire sub crackling crackling combustion without stop .relationresultYouthover wiped his mouth, and then stretched ,face to meet the faces, to oneself : with the drink, a delight in reality students ah ,yoshiya !Yoshiya ! , relationresultYouthtoward Wang Can arch submissively, expressed his thanks ,then lying on straw close .
relationresultAlthough theflagon of wine has been young finished ,but still in the youth not holding cup placed in the nose to smell ,face this appearance, looked down in Pei Yuanshao ,let Pei Yuanshao fuming .
relationresultDrunkard !White wolf ! , relationresultPei Yuanshao gentlymurmured a sound ,although Pei Yuanshao lowered his voice ,but in Pei Yuanshao ,even lowered his voice ,Wang Can and young also hear clearly .
Pei Yuanshao was no matter whether these ,still holding the bottle mouth to mouth pursed flagon of wine ,a little wine fragrance from the Pei Yuanshao cup in the dissemination ,while the youth lying on straw eyes closed ,but the nose was once a poor ,apparently smelled Jiuhu scattered out of the smell .
relationresultWang Can smiled,but did not speak .relationresultGivea youth a jug of wine ,a piece of bread ,and a suit of clothes ,is already enough .relationresultOh, can not stand, is really

